Day One

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this is a long chapter sorry guys!! <3

"Lieutenant Leila Mitchell. What's your problem with my father, Bradshaw?" I spat.

He sat up, pissed. "I got no problem if you like-"

"LIEUTENANTS." Admiral Coin stood at the foot of the carrier, "You two are adults, act like it. This is the navy, not high school drama club."

"Fine." I glared.

"Fine." He laid back and slid a pair of aviators on.

"You two having fun?" The clean-cut man opposite us smirked.

"Shut it, Hangman," Bradshaw growled.

I glanced at the patches on his suit, Rooster, as I laid back resting my head. Was that his call sign? Kinda lame.

By the time we had landed in Fightertown, I was well aware of my friends and enemies. After meeting Rooster, the seating arrangement on the carrier was final and I couldn't move away from him. Thankfully, we were in Miramar in less than an hour.

"Ladies first, Rio." Rooster said, waiting for me to move. He'd been looking at my patches too.

I grabbed my bag and stormed off the carrier, catching up to the others down the tarmac.

"Woah slow down, little eager there aren't you?" Hangman said.

"Just wanted to get away from him." I retorted.

A shorter guy turned around, "Ohh Rooster? Don't worry you'll get used to him. I'm Payback, this is Fanboy, Bob, and you've met Hangman". He smiled pointing to each pilot.

I smiled, "I'm Rio."

"We know." The all spoke.

A man with glasses popped up excitedly behind Hangman "You're Maverick's daughter! As is Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, we all know who you are!"

"Bob, coming on way too strong there buddy, we talked about this on the way over." Payback cringed.

"Is my dad really that famous?" I groaned. "Trust me, he's not that special, he didn't even want me to be a pilot. He didn't even want me to train at Top Gun."

"Really? Well, Top Gun's for the best of the best, so you must be good." Fanboy said.

"I just hope I get through it without being shot down by Rooster." I joked. The all looked at each other awkwardly.

"What?" I asked.

"You haven't looked at the Pilot's roster?" Hangman scoffed.

I blushed, "Um, no I didn't get a chance, why?"

"You'll be flying with Bob, but Rooster's your wingman." Hangman laughed.

Oh fuck.

I turned red, and they all roared with laughter as we entered the hangar.

Admiral Simpson briefed us quickly as we arrived at Top Gun, and thank fuck we were only starting training tomorrow morning. He said we could stay in and get an early rest tonight or explore the local bar. I was going straight to the shower and then bed.

I grabbed the first bunk I saw, throwing my bag down, when Rooster threw his duffel down first.

"Are you serious," I looked up at him.

"Finders keepers Rio." He grinned as he dragged out my callsign.

I snatched my duffel and took the bunk above Hangman, Rooster's smile dropped.

"Good choice Rio." Hangman winked. Rooster turned red and stormed off.

I sighed, grabbing my towel and sweats from my duffel. I headed for the showers, which I soon realised were communal. I had ditched my uniform and I wandered the locker room in a tank top and shorts looking for a cubicle shower. When I found when I jumped in quickly, letting the hot water hit my skin and steam up the room. I was almost finished in the shower when I heard the door swing open and someone walk in.

"Oh shit," I muttered and switched the water off. "Umm, I'm in here, so can whoever's in here let me walk out before you strip."

I heard a male sigh, "Get outta here Rio."

Rooster. Oh my fucking god.

I wrapped my towel around me and let my hair down to help cover my shoulders, opening the cubicle door, I saw Rooster standing in his boxers in the middle of the locker room, arms crossed.

"Oh my god, can you cover up?" I covered my eyes with one hand as I walked out.

He scoffed, "You're the one in the men's locker room." God he was tall, at least 6'2 or 6'3. And I was pretty tall. He stood tall and proud, unbothered by his appearance.

"THERE'S NO WOMENS!" I dropped my hand from my eyes to glare at him and as I did my towel slipped. I noticed that he noticed, I smirked and left it down. He looked me up and down, my chest slowly exposing itself.

He cleared his throat, "Just get out so I can shower."

"Whatever." I walked past him, flicking my hair against his shoulder as I did. 

Rooster's POV

I was furious by the time we had landed in Fightertown, the entire flight I had been glaring at her. She was either pretending not to notice or genuinely unaware of it. I couldn't believe this was the first time I'd met her, I didn't even know who she was until Admiral Coin briefed us before she arrived. But after finding out she was Maverick's daughter, something felt wrong, I grew so angry. Even though she has nothing to do with what happened, I still felt rage growing in my stomach. I hated Maverick. But now I'd have to be training with his daughter? I was angry, and I was even angrier as she strutted onto the carrier and parked herself right next to me, as if taunting me. She turned and looked up at me with big brown eyes, and I lost control of my mouth.

"You're Maverick's kid, not what I was expecting."

Her eyes narrowed and she glared at me "And who are you?". She didn't know who I was? Had Maverick just never told her?

I was pissed now, "Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, sweetheart."

She looked even angrier that I'd called her that, it wasn't long until Admiral Coin stopped our fight and we sat in silence for the rest of the flight.

All I wanted to do now was shower and go to the bar, but as I walked into the locker room in my underwear, someone was already in there. I hated the communal showers. I heard a timid voice emerge from one of the shower stalls. It was her.

"Get outta here Rio." I rolled my eyes. She quickly jumped out with only a thin white towel around her. The towel hugged her slender body and only stopped at her thighs, and as she yelled at me it slipped down her chest, exposing her cleavage. I got nervous and she grinned, I cleared my throat.

"Just get out so I can shower."

She smiled devilishly and ran out, her hair hitting me as she passed. She was tall but she only reached my chest.What the fuck. No. I hated her. She's my enemy. Even if she is kinda hot. I'm not gonna let her get in my way, I'm gonna be the best at Top Gun.

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