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(Monsters stuck in your head (we are we are we are)
(Monsters under your bed (we are we are we are)
(Monsters oh, we are we are we are Monsters oh)

Song: Monsters by Ruelle

'Where is he?' Asked Ada to no one in particular.
Her question is met with silence as no one in the room felt particularly inclined to answer her.
There were four people gather around the dining table, each one lost in thought in the overwhelming silence before Ada joined the group.
'Seriously, someone needs to start answering questions, unless you called me to come join your gloom party, which honestly I am not particularly excited to join' Ada asked again.
All fingers pointed towards a single direction which Ada immediately followed out of the room.

'Arhhh' screamed Ben. 'How long will this continue? I am cutting it close with my patience limit! It's been over a year. 15 months for crying out loud. When are we going to stop with the emergency button!?

'Calm yourself otherwise you are going to make it worse' reasoned Iyke.

'Worse? How much worse can it get? We have been treating him with a kid glove, I think it's time to apply tough love'

'Been there, done that' replied Belle, ' didn't work either. Listen Ben, screaming too will not work. Let's just reason together, there must be something else we've got to do'

'Yea, like totally giving up. I say we stop giving an eff'

'You don't mean that' said Amanda, 'you are frustrated, we get it Ben, so are we. We were not there, we've never been there and I sure do pray that we will never be there. So please, anything but giving up. It's simply not an option'

'Yes, but he'll appreciate it' reasoned Ben. 'It's what he kept asking from us'.

'Why are you suddenly......' Amanda trailed off as sounds of approaching footsteps were heard coming to the direction of the dining room.

Ada appeared with the subject of their discussion, Toby.

Over a year ago, On the night of their matriculation into the University, the six friends went out to celebrate their hard earned success. Tobenna 'Toby' Ekeh, Adanne 'Ada' Chukwu, Ikechukwu 'Iyke' Okoli, Benita 'Ben' Olawale, Isabella 'Belle' Fashola and Amanda/Mandy' Adamu, have been friends since day one in basic school. Toby and Ada have been best of friends and inseparable from the moment they were paired on primary project which required them to share a seat for the first three weeks of basic class one. The other friends joined the group before they completed their basic classes and remained tight over the years.

Born and raised in the Lekki peninsula of Lagos State, Nigeria, they were all from upper class families, each spending time with the other whenever any of their families leave for all those long business voyage that was synonymous with boredom. The only environment familiar to them is Lekki Phases, Victoria Island, Ikoyi and other upper class environments in Lagos Island. They have no business with the mainland neither do they believe that *Ajegunle and its environment are part of Lagos State. They had everything, the best school, the best cloths, the best cars with the best drivers all their lives. The *Tokumbo Lexus given to Toby when he passed his *JAMB entrance exam to study at the University of Lagos, *Akoka which is between 65 - 70 minutes drive from their residence in Lekki phase 1. His father, Dr. Ekeh reasoned that since he will be driving himself now, the Lexus is for trial and if he didn't crash it within one month, then he can get the brand new Toyota Spider that he always wanted.

As they grew older, so do their friendship grow. They passed through basic school together sitting for entrance exams together and even as far as scoring the same grades in their Senior School Cert. They enrolled and sat for University entrance exams together and even though they are to study in different departments, they chooses the same University of Lagos and were all admitted.
Just like they do at the end of each successful exams since their senior year, they went out to celebrate their latest conquest but this time, they chose to drink some alcohol since at 19, they are all adults. Hence they need to compete to know who is a lightweight.

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