Chapter 27: Mount Kurama

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Kurama explained that he was, in fact, the Soujoubou's son and he had no intention of going back home. Botanmaru had said the Soujoubou was sick, which seemed to make Kurama flinch, but he still refused. However, when he saw whip marks on Botanmaru's arm and Botanmaru passed out, he agreed. We decided to use some of the peach pills Nanami had gotten from the medicine god to heal the Soujoubou.

"You do have a heart," I said, fixing the cloth on Botanmaru's forehead as we sat in the flying wagon.

Kurama rolled his eyes, "You know, I'm fine with the girls going, but why did he have to come?"

"I am Nanami's familiar. I have to come. Why are you coming?"

"I might as well say hi to everyone and see how my old man's doing."

Tomoe and Kurama's fighting was starting to make Botanmaru shift in his sleep.

I sighed and started singing "Alone" softly to Botanmaru. I sat down beside him and he curled up against my knee and I stroked his hair. Kurama and Tomoe stopped bickering. Tomoe sat down next to Nanami and listened while Kurama just stared. I smiled slightly as I sang. Botanmaru looked adorable. I hummed the chorus and glanced up at Kurama. He looked away, slightly uncomfortable, and walked over to sit near Botanmaru. 

"Sorry," Kurama muttered.

"We're all still young," I whispered, "We have time to grow up. We should be grateful that we still have it in our hearts to act so immaturely and child-like when we all have had our own tragedies."

Tomoe smiled slightly and Nanami nodded.

We finally reached a good point on the mountain to land and start walking. 

"Stay together," Kurama said.

"The miasma here is so thick," Nanami said.

"The mountain has been in bad shape because of the Soujoubou's illness," Botanmaru said. I noticed Kurama seemed on edge.

"Are you okay?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he said, shaking his head and bringing himself back to earth.

"If you need to talk, I'm here," I said.

He just nodded. I looked around and realized something,

"Where's Nanami and Botanmaru?" 

"Crap, we got separated!" Kurama said.

"You lost Nanami!" Tomoe said.

"You lost Nanami. You're her familiar, not me."

As Tomoe and Kurama bickered, I heard softly and distantly, the sound of a flute playing. I walked away from them and headed toward the sound. If they wondered where I went and became concerned, then good. They needed to learn to stop bickering somehow.

I followed the sound to the outside of the doors of a large wall.

"Hello!" I called.

"Can I help you?" a male voice asked. It was gentle and calm.

"I've lost two of my friends," I said, "Do you know how I could find them?"

"I'm bringing them here now, don't worry," he said.

"Thank you," I said, "What's your name?"

"Suiro," he said.

"I'm Raya. Are you going to hide in there?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I am, why?"

"I was just curious."

"We are not supposed to talk to women or look them in the eye," he said, "I'm sorry."

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