A Fresh Start

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October 1985~
You had just moved to Hawkins from California, you would be ecstatic if it wasn't for your douche bag stepbrother. Your mother and father divorced not that long ago, and then your mother married some guy called Neil Hargrove. Which meant you, your mother and Max had to move all the way Hawkins.

Your POV:
I was driving to school in my own car as i didn't want to deal with the hassle of arguing with billy about him going to fast. Me, Billy and Max arrived at school at the same time and the moment Billy stepped out of his car the girls were already gawking over him.
"Who is that!?" One girl said
"I have no idea" Another said
"Would you check out that ass"
"Just look at it go" She giggles
As I walk past them I scoff and roll my eyes in disgust, I don't see why the ladies love Billy so much he's a total dickhead.

Third person POV:
It was the first lesson of the day, aka your favourite. English! You were actually happy about this as it was one of the few subjects you were good at. You walked into the classroom and were introduced to the class.
"Ah! Here she is all the way from sunny California, Y/N!" The teacher announced in a happy tone while all of the students looked bored out of their minds. All-though there was one boy who caught your attention, he had big, brown eyes and amazing hair. You hated every second of being in front of that classroom, with everyone's eyes staring at you and judging you based off of small things. You and Billy were opposites, Billy loved attention, and well you despised it.
"Y/N please take a seat by Steve over there" Your teacher pointed towards the boy with fluffy hair.
You walked over to him and sat next to him, he kept staring at you for some reason.
"Hello, you there, Steve is it?" You whispered towards him.
"Huh, what? Oh yeah I'm Steve." He whispered back
"You got a staring problem or something, cause you've been staring at be for the past 2 minutes and it's creeping me out a bit" You chuckled.
"Oh uh sorry about that, anyway nice to meet you" Steve said
"Nice to meet you too!"
"Hey so uh I was wondering since your new and stuff, that you could maybe sit with me and my friends at lunch"
"I- uh, okay i guess?" You answered back.
"Steve and Y/N please be quiet your disrupting my lesson!" The teacher beckoned form across the classroom.
"Sorry sir!" Steve and you apologised at the same time.
You looked at each other and chuckled.
The whole lesson you were letting Steve copy you as you could tell he was struggling. For some reason you felt butterflies in your stomach whenever you were talking to Steve. Like why, you've only known him for an hour why does he make you feel this way.

It was finally lunch time, at last! You looked around the large cafeteria for Steve until you heard him yell "Y/N OVER HERE!!" He said as he waved his arms around like a crazy person. Some girl beside him tried to pull his arms down while giggling he pulled her into a kiss. You felt disappointed but you continued
walking towards them. Lunch was fun but you still felt out of place, for some reason Steve kept staring at you even though his girlfriend Nancy was right next to him.
At the end of lunch Steve came to come talk to you.
"Hey! I was thinking you could come to this party I'm going to tomorrow. It would be a good chance to introduce yourself to everyone and make some friends!" Steve offered
"Eh... I'm not sure, I'm not good at talking to new people." You replied
"Don't worry , I'll be by your side the whole time, so everything is gonna be fine!" Steve reassured you.
"Fine I'll come" You answered only because you were going with Steve.
"I'll pick you up at 8!" He winked at you as he walked off to his next class.
You immediately felt blush creeping onto you're face.
"Why, why,why. I've known him for 3 hours and I've already fallen for him.." You thought

Steve's POV:
The whole day I couldn't stop staring at Y/N. She was beautiful. I swear her E/C eyes could put me in some sort of trance. But I have a girlfriend, I shouldn't feel like this. It was nearing the end of lunch and I went to ask Y/N something.
"Hey! I was thinking you could come to this party I'm going to tomorrow. It would be a good chance to introduce yourself to everyone and make some friends!" I offered
"Eh... I'm not sure, I'm not good at talking to new people." Y/N replied
"Don't worry , I'll be by your side the whole time, so everything is gonna be fine!" I reassured her.
"Fine I'll come" She answered, I was ecstatic!
"I'll pick you up at 8!" Before I knew it I winked at her and walked off.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. WHY. DID. I. DO. THAT!!" I thought in my head as blush covered my face and I felt butterflies in my stomach "Am I falling for her already!?"

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