Chapter 3

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Delilah asks, "Samson, do you want to come with me?"

The Darkwoods Strangler walks up to Delilah and nuzzles into Delilah, his massive form gently pressing on her. Delilah is walking and petting him. The Darkwoods Strangler walks alongside her, letting himself be pet.

Delilah asks, "Samson, are you okay?"

The Darkwoods Strangler tilts his head in confusion.

Delilah kisses his nose and says, "Nevermind."

The Darkwoods Strangler's cheek fur has a bit of blush under it and gives a smile to Delilah. Delilah looks at him with a soft smile then sees someone else. The Darkwoods Strangler's red eyes shift from Delilah to the person she's looking at. They are stabbing someone.

Delilah swoons, "So much suffering~♡!"

The Darkwoods Strangler vocalizes a groan. Delilah swoons. The Darkwoods Strangler suddenly picks up Delilah bridal style.

Delilah asks, "Samson?"

The Darkwoods Strangler begins walking with Delilah in his strong arms, carrying her away. The Darkwood Strangler's snout gently presses her side as his tail wags at a high-speed, almost vibrating. The Darkwoods Strangler's big red eyes look up at Delilah with red hearts in them, giving her what can only be described as 'puppy eyes'

Delilah apologizes, "Ah, Langston, I'm sorry."

The Darkwoods Strangler lays his head in her lap as he continues walking with her in his gentle grasp. Delilah kisses his lips. The Darkwoods Strangler kisses her lips softly. Delilah nuzzles into him. The Darkwoods Strangler nuzzles her back, his tail wags fast and happily.

Delilah asks, "Want to go to my house?"

The Darkwoods Strangler tilts his head then nods, he begins carrying Delilah toward her home. Delilah is cuddling him. The Darkwoods Strangler smiles and enters the community.

Delilah points and says, "That house is mine."

The Darkwoods Strangler carries Delilah to her house. In front of her house is a thirteen year old Eurasian oystercatcher with a bag of newspapers from the People's Newspaper. The Darkwoods Strangler growls and then begins barking at the paperboy CJ Bridgewater. Terrified, the paperboy drops a newspaper and runs away from the house. Delilah puts a leash on him, then pulls him back. The paperboy manages to get away unharmed. The Darkwoods Strangler nuzzles Delilah. Delilah nuzzles him back. The Darkwoods Strangler walks up to Delilah's front door, waiting for her to unlock it. Delilah unlocks it, The Darkwoods Strangler happily enters Delilah's home.

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