Overall Winners!

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So, the moment that will finally conclude the end of this contest is finally here!

Me and a few of the judges came together and judged the category winners and have decided on three that were just a bit more outstanding and well-written than the others. There were so many good stories in this whole contest this time and I'm so proud of everyone's works and everyone, regardless of winning should be proud of themselves!

There will be more contests in the future and please keep coming back after revising and re-enter again! I love seeing the progress in peoples writing and that's exactly what these contests are for!

Anyways, I'll stop blabbing and give you guys the winners!

First Place Overall:

The Bouquet by Deepdarkdelights

The Bouquet by Deepdarkdelights

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Second Place Overall:

Alpha's Little Wolf by Yoonchrisgull

Alpha's Little Wolf by Yoonchrisgull

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Third Place Overall:

Infertile by mistopher

Infertile by mistopher

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Again congrats to all the winners in this contest! Everyone keep up the good work and we'll love to see you in the next contest!

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Again congrats to all the winners in this contest! Everyone keep up the good work and we'll love to see you in the next contest!

Also, we will be announcing the summer contest within the next few weeks when summer will be hitting us in full swing. If anyone would be interested in being a judge for that contest please send me a message or comment here and I'll definitely put that into the works.

Anyone have any ideas for a summer-themed contest name? I'm open to some cool and fun ideas for names.

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