For me

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POV: Jayda

"When you thinking about releasing the song" I asked von when we walked out of the studio

"Today I started promoting it on Instagram and I know this boy from around my way that be rapping" he told me opening the door up for all of us

"That's good I'll promote your stuff to " I told him walking to the car putting grandbabii in the back and giving my keys to von

We both got in the car and von turned the air on since it was got ass fuck outside

I went on my phone and not even 30 seconds later I grabbed von attention to talk about something that been on my mind

"Von" I called him and he glanced at me before looking back at the road

"You gonna move your stuff back in my house" I asked him putting my phone down

"Ion wanna intrude on your life I'm save it up still so I can get a place soon" he told me while making a left

"You not intruding I want you too. I sleep better with you with me" I told him In a serious tone

"Then yea I'll get my stuff from the house when I drop him off" he told me nodding his head backwards talking about grandbabii

"Okay" I told him leaning back in my seat closing my eyes so I could take a quick nap

25 minutes later.......

"Get yo baby" I heard von say tapping me and I woke up rubbing my eyes

"Look like a badass kid" he said while laughing and I flipped him a bird

He got out and took grandbabii out the car and I walked up the steps behind him

He passed me the keys and I unlocked the door seeing it look trashed

"You out there being face like your broke ass brother" I heard von mother say when we walked by the steps

I took grandbabii from von and he made his way up the steps

I sat down with grandbabii and when I heard tussling I put him down and ran upstairs

"Von let go" I heard Kayla yell Making me run to the room I heard her voice from

When i went in the room I saw von beating his mother ass. And when I say this I mean he was whooping her ass

When I got a glimpse of his face I seen scratches all on his face and his lip looked like it was busted

I seen him knock her on the ground and he got on top of her chocking her

"Jayda help me" I heard Kayla say making me run over to them pulling von off with the help of Kayla

"Fuck you that's why you ain't gonna be shit" his mother said to him and he pushed us off trying to go back to her but I quickly yanked him back getting him away

"Von stop leave out " I told him trying to push him out the room

"And fuck your bitch y'all ain't no kids of mine " their mother said going over to Kayla pushing her

When Kayla got up she swung on her and made her fall on the floor and she started beating her ass

Damn who taught them how to fight cause it clearly ain't her

I pushed von out the room with one final push and I shut the door getting Kayla off of her

"Go in your room and get some stuff for y'all and put it In my car" I told her giving her my keys leaving out the room with her

"I was in the middle of looking for von when I noticed red and blue lights outside

"Shit twelve here" I yelled hoping that somebody heard me

I went downstairs and picked Antonio up and putting him in another room so he wouldn't be in here to witness what might happen

When I came back out I seen von getting handcuffed and put inside of the back of a police car

"Why are y'all arresting him" I asked the police running to the side of the door that von was on

He looked up at me like he was guilty and he put his head down

" ma'am please back away from the car or you'll be arrested too" the officer told me and as soon as I moved away they pulled off

Yo what the fuck how did we just go from being on the top of the world to this shit show

I went back in the house grabbing grandbabii and putting him in my car

"Jayda I can't find von " Kayla told me coming from out the house

"They just arrested him " I told her and she didn't say anything else she just hugged me

When I let go I went in the car starting it and pulled off heading to my house

"Y'all can have my guest room and I'll put von stuff in my room" I told Kayla and she nodded

I mentally thanked her for choosing not to say anything else

I'm not in the mood to talk nor am I in the mood to even be myself

He just got taken away from me in a heartbeat and I have no idea where he even is

I know how much of a hothead he is but I know that he knows how to control hisself

To even see him go that far as to finally hitting his mother back shows me that he has finally reached his breaking point

The last place he needs to be while it's happening is in jail

When I reached my house I unlocked my door grabbing some of con's stuff taking it up to my room

I made about 4 trips and when I went in the house I checked on Kayla and saw her unpacking

I went in my room clearing out some of my drawers and making space in my closet for his stuff

I was half way done before I just started breaking down crying

The moment and second I get with him and finally feel like I'm getting my happy ending he gets taken away from me

I wiped my tears cause them bitches started burning my Eyes

AN:y'all I swear I can't even cry Fr cause every time I do them tears be burning the fuck outta my eyes

I finished putting his clothes away and when I was done I door dashed some food for Kayla and Antonio

When it came I got ready to go to bed and I prayed for all of us and I did a separate prayer for von

Hey y'all . Y'all got two chapter in a row so y'all better be grateful and not stingy

How did y'all like this chapter?

I made this longer then the last one

Thoughts on jayda?

Thoughts on Kayla?

Thoughts on von?

Thoughts on von mother?

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