Will you M.......

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"Where are we going?" Sulli asked Sehun crossing her arms.

"Out to eat." Kai said.

"Out to eat? With Krystal and HIM?"

"What's wrong with that and trust me you'll love it." Sehun said ruffling Sulli's hair.

"Trust me you'll love it." Sulli mocked Sehun.

"Are you sure you aren't on your period?" Kai asked and then got his in the head by Krystal.

"Yah!, Never ask a girl if she is on her period unless you want to die." Krystal said.

"Okay, okay are you pregnant?" Kai asked and he was the only one laughing while the others stiffened at his words.

"That's not funny." Sehun said parking the car.

"You all must be on your periods, Why is everyone so serious I just want to have some fun." Kai said pouting.

They all shook their heads at the boy as they entered the fancy restaurant.

"Do you have a reservation?" A man asked them.

"Of course." Sehun said.


"Oh Sehun dude can you give us our table?" Sulli said impatiently.

"Sorry Sir she's on her period." Kai said and earned a death glare from Sulli.

"It's okay I'll lead you to your table." He said and brought them to their table.

"How do you like this dude? He's so ugh I'm going to kill him." Sulli whispered to Krystal.

"Hey don't yuck my yum dude." Krystal said and her and Sulli laughed.

"What's so funny?" The boys asked.

"Krystal's Yum." Sulli laughed.

"Anyways have you thought of what to order?" Krystal asked Sehun.

"Yes Cake." Sehun said smiling.

"Cake?" Both Krystal and Sulli questioned.

"Yes cake." Kai and Sehun said.

"Are we celebrating something? I can't believe you brought us all the way here for cake." Krystal said crossing her arms.

"We will be celebrating something so special." Sehun said.

Suddenly all the lights went out and the two boys were nowhere to be seen. Sulli tried searching for Krystal with her hands but nothing was there.

"Yah! This isn't funny! Where are you taking me?" She heard Krystal say from a distance.

"This isn't funny I'm scared of the dark." She began crying. A little light turned on and a little girl was standing in it.

"Auntie!" The little girl said and to her.

"Raeum how did you get here?" Sulli said hugging her.

"I came to give you something but I don't have it." Raeum said and Sulli laughed.

"Who has it?" Sulli asked but the girl was long gone.

"Raeum?" She asked.

"Follow me!" Raeum said and took her by the hand and lead her.

"You know i don't get this."

"But you'll love it, after this I will be the happiest little girl ever." Raeum said Sulli kneeled down to hug her but the girl was already gone.

"Raeum!?" She said out but no answer.

"This isn't even funny why would she leave me here?" Sulli walked a little and the bumped into something.

"Aaaaaah!" She yelled trying to get up but someone held her wrist.

"Stay." It whispered and then she realized it was Sehun.

"Sehun what the hell is going on?" She said hugging him.

"I just wanted you to marry me." Sehun said hugging her back.

"What?" She said surprised. Why would he propose to me like this. The worst person to plan things he's so stupid. She thought to herself.

"I'm sorry We didn't mean to make you cry and get scared we thought this would go better." Sehun said and they chuckled.

"Don't do this again." Sulli said.

"Hopefully I won't if you just answer me."

"Hopefully? You mean if I didn't you would find someone else?"

"No hopefully I won't have to do this again to you if you answer me YES."

"I don't think I wanna marry you." Sulli said crossing her arms.


"I said-"

"No I heard but why wouldn't you want to marry me. I love you, even though we haven't even been together for even a year, I can see the rest of my life with you and only you, this is the first Time I ever felt like this with someone. You're the only girl I would waste my breath to say I love you to."

"Sehun." Sulli said she kissed him and they shared a passionate kiss together.

"So that's a yes?" He asked after the kiss.

"Of course."

Sehun took out a ring and then slowly put it on her fingers then kissed her again this time more passionately than the other kiss Sulli could swear she felt his feelings through this one kiss.

"Congratulations!!" A group of people yelled while the couple was busy kissing in their own world. They broke off the kiss and Sulli turned around to see their families behind them. She got embarrassed that their parents and raeum saw them kissing so her face turned red.

"How did you get here?" She asked them.

"We were here the whole Time."

"Oh my." Sulli mumbled.

"I better be your maid of honor!" Krystal said hugging her friend.

"You don't even need to ask." Sulli said and the two laughed.

"Doesn't that mean the handsome Kai is going to be your best man?" Kai asked putting his arm around sehun's shoulder.

"Never." Sulli answered for sehun.

"What why?!" Kai asked.

"Because I don't like you and it won't be nice seeing people I don't like on my wedding day."

"No no that's just an excuse, We all know that sehun wants his most handsome and most manly Hyung to be his best man, you know I have experience with being best man in fact I'm like the best best man you will ever find I have all the qualities of one too if you don't pick me you're obviously blind and your wedding won't go well." Minho went phrasing himself while everyone just looked at him silently including his baby daughter.

"Kai it is!" Sulli said and Kai threw his fist in the air and everyone laughed while Minho just told himself that it's best that he doesn't steal too much attention because he is more good looking than the bride and groom. Oh Choi Minho... *Sigh*

This was not checked over too lazy so I'm sorry for the horrible grammar and spelling if you did see any. Thank you for reading and waiting for this horrible author.
Bye byeeee~~~

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