Bitter Days

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{7 march, 11:12 AM}

Those words kept coming out of his room. i could feel his shaky voice caressing my ears, filling my brain with pain, like a little bird who just wouldn't shut up.
"Dear Emil, what's the matter?"
as i entered the room i could see his poor little face, he looked like he was about to cry. he needed me, like a puppy who lost his home.
" hurts.. what is happening?"
"Nothing is happening, you need some rest sweetheart, please try to sleep."
I couldn't just tell him the truth. How was i supposed to tell him that i had intensified the therapy today? he needed it. everyday he got worse and worse. at this point I'm not even sure what i can do to save him.

{3:00 PM}
my phone started buzzing.
"Greetings. Is this Ada Mesmer?"
"Great! I am Freddy Riley Harvard Law and I'm calling you because we need a new doctor in our asylum"
"Sorry, im not interested, I'll hang up."
"No wait! Let me finish. I know that your lacking on money, but if you join us you won't have that problem anymore. think about it."
I paused.
How did he know? and more importantly, why me?
"Fine. but on one condition, you must let me bring one of my patients.
"Of course, who is it if i may ask?"
"His name is Emil Mesmer"
"Mesmer? as in..your brother?"
"You heard me."
"Uh.... alright. But you must be here by tomorrow."
and with that he hung up. i was very confused but in that moment i couldn't think too much about it. all i could do is think of how we'd leave.

{8:00 PM}
it was time to leave.
i gently opened the door of my husband, to find him curled up in his bed, shaking and a few groans coming out of his mouth.
"Sweetheart, we have to go, i already packed your bags."
"Huh..? Ada? .. where are we going?"
"We're going somewhere new Emil, a place where you can find yourself."
"Where are we going?"
When i was about to reply i heard one of the guards, so i hurried up, taking Emil by the hand and rushing him outside and then to my car.

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