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chapter 1 - death

Author note. hi, guys I'm back with another new story. I m trying something new. I hope you like this. see ya all at the end.

My heart is full of memories,

of which I will not trade.

memories that fill my thoughts every day.

I loved you then, I love you still,

love never goes away.

but what I wouldn't give,

so I could have one more day with you.


The year 1890

The hot humid air blows, through the noiseless field. The sun was blazing down. There laid the dead bodies of many.

One was them was a girl, A cause behind their death. Who singlehandedly handle them.

Because if, if she has told them.

Odds that "they"would have followed her, they would have died.

He would have died.

It was not a risk worth for. A possibility she wouldn't take.

She was weak but barely alive, her body covered with blood. A mixture of hers and her's nemesis.

As she lay on the battlefield, in the puddle of blood. The stone pierced her wounded back.

It felt like somebody rubbing salt onto her wound.

She was feeling everything. Her body feels on fire, it's hurt everywhere. She was exhausted not just physically but mentally.

Her emotions were haywire. The pain, exhaustion, helplessness, and death. She could feel it. It was near.

Soon the neigh from her beloved mare forced her to open her eyes.

" Wings" The girl mustered all of her remaining energy to sit. She leans towards her mare.

White color hair was now covert with red.

The mare nudges with her head. Her warm blue eyes were filled with tears, gushing directly down on the raven hair lady's chin.

"Wings Don't cry," Raven's hair said. She tries to comfort her mare, she was not just a horse to her she was her friend, the only family she ever had.

" Don't please, Everything will be ok. You are gonna be fine". Raven's head tries to smile but it appears shaky. she reached out to touch her.

Her bloodied hand ran on her mare fur. It was painful for her to stroke but she keeps going.

Her friend, her only partner needs it. When she was alone in her castle it was her wings that stand by her side. when others only see her cold, icy facade, it was wings who saw beyond that.

Soon her hand got tired, she could no longer move the hand. Numbness troll over. And at that movement, she knew she had very little time.

Wing notices her owner's lack of movement. She nudges her shoulder and brings her head near her owner's face.

"Misaki let's go, hop on me. I will save you" Wings channel her thoughts.

A sad smile forms on Misaki's face. She tries to breathe. But it was becoming more and more difficult. Her chest was too tight for her to breathe deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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