Perfect world

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My favorite time of day
is when the sun fades,
And it's time to pray, then I say:

Now I lay me, set me free~
from all these chains of reality.

Of mama's little Barbie
Of father's emotional party
Of being Brother's Baka
Of staying in cousin's drama

The worlds invisible trauma

And this whole step family thing they bring has to be the hardest thing!

Then I lay my head down, and I am found. I am Homeward bound.
In a world where my name is known. In a kingdom that my family owns.

Here I'm nobody's problem, and I can be me, dress as I please, act with ease....Be interesting.

And I know, in this perfect world, every day when I go Into the kitchen.
There will always be- 6 separate seats, with smiles around the table.

A happy mom and dad who can look one another in the eye, and not scream. The 3 brothers of my dream.

My family will ask about my day, I'll know exactly what to say.

But at last like all good things must do, the grass was watered by the morning due.

Now I'm back to:
mama's little Barbie
father's emotional party
being Brother's Baka
staying in cousin's drama

The worlds invisible trauma-trauma

I lock my door, and turn the music up more and more and more. Tell me mother, how is this love any different from before.

Oh and then you have the audacity
To ask me
Tell me your worried
"Why haven't you found anyone"

Honestly I'm just scared to love like you because of what I grew up through.

My favorite time of day
is when the sun fades,
And it's time to pray, and I get to say:

Now I lay me, set me free~
from all these chains of reality.

But, my perfect fantasy will never be a reality (oh silly me)

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