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"Admiral Tarkin," the raspy voice of Emperor Palpatine sneered. "Why do you disturb me at such a pivotal stage in our vulnerable Empire?"

"My Lord," Tarkin bowed his head. "I have some news I must share with you about a squad of clones."

"What is so important about a few bugs that will be desposed anyway?"

"Sir, Clone Force 99, a group of defected clones with enhanced skills, have left Kamino without authorization. They left one of their own behind, and after questioning him, it seems like Clone Force 99 are on a mission to hunt down and kill Jedi."

"I do not see an issue so far, Admiral." Palpatine hissed. "With the execution of Order 66, that is exactly what those clones should be doing."

"I think the clone was lying." Tarkin cleared his throat. "I think he is covering for his squad. Along with the destruction of the Jedi, Order 66 also implies all clones are under strict orders not to step out of line. With this unauthorized evasion, Clone Force 99 has now committed mutiny and must be investigated. The clone in question has also volunteered to help track down his squad."

"Do whatever you see fit." Palpatine said, waving his hand mindlessly. "And Admiral Tarkin? Do not waste my time with bringing up affairs of clones with me again."

"Y-yes, my Lord." Tarkin bowed again before the hologram of Palpatine dispersed. He then growled under his breath.

"Admiral Tarkin," one of the Imperial officers looked at him. "What are your orders to proceed?" Tarkin straightened himself and folded his hands behind his back. "We send out a squad to track down Clone Force 99."

"But, sir," another officer said. "Even though Clone Force 99 left the premises without authorization, they are only following the implications of Order 66."

"I'm afraid there is much more to that." Tarkin sighed. "That is, I believe CT-1409 was lying to me. He and CT-9900 will get their request in tracking down his brothers, but there will be a trap waiting for them if I find out the truth."



"This seems all too easy." Fern whispered as we were escorted to our new ship. We had received confirmation that we would be assigned to a squad of Imperial troopers, who were not clones, and be sent out to bring Clone Force 99 into questioning. To make matters more complicated, neither Fern nor I were put in charge.

But despite all that, yes, my female counterpart was right, this was too easy. We had expected Tarkin to put up more a fight. Which meant, this was a trap.

But what choice did we have?

When we finally reached Hangar 5, we were greeted by Tarkin himself. He stood there proudly, with his hands folded behind his back neatly, and wearing an Imperial's uniform. I hadn't noticed it before, but on his chest were ranking pins. Governor Tarkin had now become Admiral Tarkin...What could have that man possibly done to earn that title? I knew Fern was feeling the same way when I got a disgusted churn in my stomach.

"CT-1409 and CT-9900," he called us to attention, which we obliged to like good soldiers. "You have been granted your requests. You will be assigned under Lt. Lync to hunt down Clone Force 99 and bring them in alive for questioning. Only kill if absolutely necessary."

It took every muscle in my body to resist flinching...

"Thank you, sir." I said. "We will return without fail."

"Good Soldiers Follow Orders...": A Bad Batch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now