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"Get me contact with the Emperor." Tarkin demanded as he rushed into the bridge. "Immediately!"

"But sir, he distinctly ordered for you not to bother hin about affairs involving clones."

"This is the upmost urgent!" Tarkin said, sweat trickled down his temples as he struggled to composed himself. "Either you get me contact with the Emperor, or I will do it myself and you will suffer the consequences of defying orders later."

"Y-yes, sir." The officer's hands trembled as he linked comms with the Emperor at the Capitol. A few moments later, the blue, holographic image of Palpatine emerged on the holotable.

"Admiral Tarkin..." The Emperor snarled in a raspy, sinister voice. "What cause has effected you to contact me?"

"Sir, Clone Force 99—"

"I believe I told you not to bother me with any business regarding—"

"My Lord, they have killed five Inquisitors in the past two rotations."

Palpatine went silent for a moment before asking cautiously, "Do you know the cause of this behavior?"

"I have spoken with the Kaminoans in charge of the engineering of the clones, and their only explanation is that these defective clones have...in short term, defective inhibitor chips. Order 66 was initiated, for they killed a padawan on Kaller. But then, it seems like Order 66 has taken on a different meaning in their brains. It is theorized they are hunting all Force-sensitive beings, and since the Inquisitors are capable of being located via Imperial files, they hunt and kill with both ease and the element of surprise."

The Emperor went silent. "What have you done, to counter these clones?"

"Or-orginally, I had sent out the best squad in the Imperial Army to track them down and bring them in for questioning." Tarkin responded nervously. "And, they were killed."

"All of them? Every single member?"

"Yes, my Lord." Tarkin nodded. "It seems, I have deepy underestimated Clone Force 99."

A blaring alarm sounded next to Tarkin. An officer checked it and then turned to the Admiral with wide eyes. "Another Inquisitor, sir...has been killed. By Clone Force 99."

"This, is unacceptable." Palpatine growled.

"What will you have me do, my Lord?"

"You, will do nothing." Palpatine said. "For now on, I will personally oversee this nuisance."

"W-what will you do, sir?"

"I will be sending out the only being who knows the clones better than anyone. My apprentice, Darth Vader."



"Rex, how did you find us?" I asked, both eager and relieved to see my old friend still alive and well.

"Imperial files." Rex shrugged. "Some simple hacking skills. The Empire hasn't quite locked down everything yet, so there are many loopholes. Once I saw you and Fern were located on Florrum, I came straight away, only to get a notification that you both and the rest of your squad were KIA."

"Wait? How—"

"That's on me." Fern spoke in a low tone. She was slumped next to me with a deep frown and her arms crossed. She hasn't been herself since the incident. Following a long sigh, she explained what happened.

"Good Soldiers Follow Orders...": A Bad Batch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now