Part 4: Roasting shoto oop😶

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Shoto: You guys care about me right?

Fuyumi: Ofc shoto!

Touya: Meh

Natsuo: Yes-? ig why?

Shoto: Can u guys tell me what's wrong with me and why people don't want to go out with me?

Touya: You have the personality of a brick

Shoto: 🥲

Natsuo: Your ugly

Shoto: rude😃

Touya: You look like a candy cane

Shoto: Thats true-

Natsuo: Your short

Shoto: HOW IS 5'9 SHORT

Touya: You have no sense of humor

Shoto: YES I DO

Natsuo: Your cold

Touya: Your stupidly innocent

Shoto: I AM NOT

Touya: Oh really so "iF I SMiLe tHEy'Ll diE" Doesn't ring a bell?😃

Shoto:..Point made😒and how tf do u know about that🧐

Touya: older brothers know EVERYTHING

Fuyumi: Y'all are mean-

Touya: We are just spitting fax

Natsuo: Yep and there's still ALOTTTT more stuff we could have said

Touya: mhm


Shoto: 🥲

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