Part 16: The LOV joins

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Shoto: Touya do you love the league of villains?

Dabi: Kinda why?

Shoto: Like family?

Dabi: Yes

Shoto: Ok

Hawks: Wtf was that about?

Dabi: I don't fucking know and aren't you supposed to be working?

Hawks: Endeavor is covering for me

Natsuo: As he should

Fuyumi: I give up.

Dabi: Its about time

Shoto: Add the lov

Dabi: Whats your obsession with them jesus christ

Shoto: Please just add them this chat is kinda boring rn

Dabi: For once your right, sure why not. but im telling you now your gonna regret this

Shoto: Just do it, it'll be fine

*Dabi added Toga, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Compress, Twice, Spinner*

Toga: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Shoto: Hi

Shigaraki: Wtf dabi

Twice: Holaaaaaaaa

*Bakugo is online*

Bakugo: Can you guys shut up

Toga: r00d >:(

Spinner: Lol

Compress: Lmao

*Deku is online*

Deku: Hi everyone!


Dabi: Jesus christ kid couldn't you have stayed offline for just a bit longer

Deku: Why are there villains here-?

Shoto: I mean Touya was already here so I don't think that really changes anything

Bakugo: I hate all of you

Fuyumi: oh


Dabi: No one cares Bakuhoe Thotsuki

Bakugo: Fuck you

Dabi: No


Toga: LMAO

Twice: LOL

Kurogiri: I'm done trying to keep you kids in line

Fuyumi: Finally someone who understands my pain

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