Part 10: Fuyumis credit card🙂

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Fuyumi: guys?

Shoto: yes?

Touya: Whats up

Natsuo: Heyy

Fuyumi: Who stole my credit card?

Shoto: I didn't


Natsuo: Yeah..

Fuyumi: Boys?😃

Touya: Whaaaaaaaat??????

Fuyumi: Did u or did u not steal my credit card

Touya: We did not

Natsuo: Mhm

Fuyumi: Yeah ok😑

Fuyumi: i WILL get to the bottom of this

Touya: I highly doubt that

Fuyumi: 🙂🔪

Touya: okok sorry

*Fuyumi is offline*

Natsuo: That was a close one

Touya: Uh ya think

*Fuyumi is online*

Fuyumi: I KNEW IT


Natsuo: Are we really that stupid- WE DID THIS LIKE 20 TIMES

Touya: Fr😭✋

Natsuo: 😭


Fuyumi: I hate you both

*Fuyumi is offline*

Touya: I knew she wouldn't do anything

Natsuo: Thats suprising tbh

Touya: How is it suprising shes fuyumi tf-

Natsuo: Not that, im just suprised you thought something and you were actually right for once

Touya: 😒🖕🏻

Natsuo: 😂🖕🏻

Shoto: Wait- what did you guys even buy?

Touya: Stuff from hot topic duh shoto🙄

Natsuo: Yeah sho wasn't it obvious🤨

Shoto: 😑🖕🏻

*Shoto is offline*

Touya: 🤣

Natsuo: 🤣

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