Reluctant Steve

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  "Hey Harrington!" Jesus christ, not right now. Steve kept his head low and walked at a steady pace to his car, gripping his books in annoyance. "Hey space cadet!" Still no answer from Steve. Eddie groaned and sprinted across the school parking lot to him. When just a few inches behind him, Steve whipped his head around.

"What! Just...what do you need?" He took a deep breath, trying to collect himself. Eddie had a confused look on his face. He sighed and looked down. Steve wondered why he was acting so weird today, never once leaving him alone. After moments of contemplation from Eddie, he glanced back up at Steve with a cocked eyebrow.

"Y'know, you've been just...I dunno you seemed pissed all day I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Eddie's kind words were met with a scoff and a small chuckle from the other boy. "Is that funny to you, Harrington?" He mock-laughed and slapped his knee. "Hey, you don't want my support, that's fine but geez..." He began to trail off and walk away, "you don't gotta be a dick about it."

"Ok, I'll budge," Steve crossed his arms and the other stopped in his tracks. "Why do you care so much?" Eddie turned around and walked back to where he was, swiftly lifting himself to sit on the back of Steve's car.

"In case you forgot," Eddie started, "I single handedly pulled you outta that shit when Vecna had you floating in the air. I climbed up a ladder. I saved your ass with the sweet sweet sounds of my Dio cassette, kid. I think that makes us friends, no? Think I'm allowed to be worried when you seem off," Steve grimaced.

"Kid?" He questioned, "First, don't call me that. Second, you saved me. If someone was about to horrifically die in front of me, I'd save them too. Doesn't make us friends outside of saving the world and whatnot. And get off of my car."

Eddie sighed and hopped off of the trunk. "Let's hang out, yeah? You can decide if you really hate me all that much," He smiled slightly and pulled a ten dollar bill out of his pocket. "I'll get a two pack. One for each of us. Meet me at my trailer at 5." Steve sighed and tossed his books into his car. "Cmon, not like you've got something better to do."

"Fine, Munson. But I'm doing it for the free beer," He hopped in his car and offered Eddie a wave, "5pm it's a deal-"

"It's a date," Eddie stated at the same time.

"Uh yeah... whatever, your trailer at 5." Steve drove away and Eddie hit himself in the forehead. A date?? Christ, Eddie why'd you say it like that....


Part two should be out in the next 12 hours. I'm working on it rn I promise it will start to get juicy now <3

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