"Oh fuck..."

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I'm sorry i haven't updated in like 2 days lmao. I've had a lot going on but here's this little filler chapter until I can get the next long one out, which I promise will be tonight. <3


Eddie joined Steve in his car, looking out the window the entire ride to Will's house. As they pulled in the driveway, Steve broke the silence. "Hey man, you okay?"

"What?" Eddie snapped out of his trance, "Sorry, I was just thinking." And that's true, he was. His mind was racing, consumed by thoughts of Steve. He hated the way he couldn't get the shared touches and glances between the two out of his mind. For what seemed like the millionth time today, he pushed those thoughts away.

"Alright...weirdo," He teased, playfully nudging Eddie, trying to relieve the tension he sensed. He hopped out of the car, and Eddie quickly followed. As Steve closed the driver's side door, he said, "Woah woah woah, did you just open your own door?" He cocked an eyebrow at Eddie, who was halfway into standing up.

"Um, yeah?" He squinted at Steve, not really sure what was going on.

"Okay, let's try this again," Steve said and pointed back to the passenger seat, "Sit your butt down and close the door, Munson." He said sternly.

Eddie knew his face was beet red, but he did what he'd been instructed to. Something about the tone of his voice made Eddie's stomach do flips. Is...did I like that? He thought to himself, and his mind began to wander to all of the ways that Steve could-

Interrupting his thoughts, the passenger side door was opened for him. "There," he said, smiling at himself. He knew he'd made Eddie flustered by the look on his face. Though Steve had realized their mutual feelings of lust and confusion, he decided he'd let the tension build up just a little longer. Making Eddie all blushy was his new favorite hobby. When Steve turned to face the Byer's house, he saw Murray- standing in the doorway with a smug smirk. Murray offered a wave to Steve.

"Oh fuck..." he muttered under his breath. "Oh fuck..." he muttered under his breath. Steve knew that Murray would have something to say, assuming that he saw that entire display. He knew about Murray's tendency to have absolutely no filter. The one night a few weeks ago that he'd met Hopper for a beer, he'd been told about Murray's speech that he and Joyce had gotten one night. He'd also, unwillingly by the way, learned that Murray had been the one to get Nancy and Jonathan together, but he got over that a long time ago.

"Who's that?" Eddie asked, confused. Last he heard, Joyce and Hopper engaged. "Aren't Joyce and Hopper-"

"Yes, they are. That is Murray," he said as they walked to the door, Murray still smiling and waiting. "Just whatever you do, try not to talk so much." Steve knew that if Eddie and him continued to act like they have been today, that he'd have something to say. He probably already did.

"Aren't you going to introduce me, Steve?" Murray said- a shiteating grin covering his face from ear to ear.

"Aren't you going to let us in?" He said, trying his best to seem like everything was normal and there wasn't any tension between them

And then of course, ignoring all instruction, Eddie said the gayest thing Steve thinks he's ever heard. 


Yes folx, that's right. This story will have Jopper and yes they are getting married. 

so after the next chapter it's gonna get a little more serious (dw not in a bad way nothing bad happens) but I'm gonna change the tone a bit

im excited for the next parts i hope u r too mwah ily

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