Head Over Heals

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   "Aren't you going to introduce me, Steve?" Murray said- a shiteating grin covering his face from ear to ear.

"Aren't you going to let us in?" He said, trying his best to seem like everything was normal and there wasn't any tension between them

And then of course, ignoring all instruction, Eddie said the gayest thing he could've possibly said.


"Isn't he just so rude?" Eddie mock-scoffed and shook his head, "My name is Eddie, by the way," He smiled, nodding to Murray as he moved to let them walk in. The two boys sat on the couch. Eddie moved closer so that their legs were touching. What a horrible time to decide to get bold, Steve thought. Murray plopped down onto the recliner next to them.

"Where's Will? Eddie has something to drop off to him." Steve was about to tell Murray what it was exactly that they were bringing, but he didn't seem to care much because he cut Steve off before he could get another word out.

"So, Eddie. You two seem....close" He took note of the fact that they were both shaking their legs nervously, and ever so slightly touching, as if they were afraid to make full contact. Good thing this was Murray's specialty.

"Jesus Murray, don't start. He said he'd buy me beer, which he has yet to do by the way, so that's why I'm here. Hanging out with him." Steve wrapped his arms around himself nervously, his subconscious hard at work to keep him from feeling even more exposed than he already did. Steve saw Eddie's face contort, like he was hurt by what he'd heard- and he probably was. Steve turned to Eddie and said, "I didn't... I didn't mean that, I'm enjoying spending time with you or...whatever." He leaned his leg into Eddie's ever so slightly, just enough for him to feel so he wouldn't think that Steve was pulling away from him.

"Wow, you two are just so cute," Murray laughed, that shit-eating grin still on his face from before.

"Yeah so....I am very confused." Eddie looked around and slapped his knees  dramatically as he stood up. "So is Will here or-" He, unsurprisingly, was cut off by Murray.

"Ah ah ah, sit." Murray wagged his finger and pointed to the couch. "We aren't done here." He looked at both of the boys, sincerely this time, "You know I- well how do I even say this.. I am actually...I've been in relationships with men." He said, almost like a question, looking frantically at both boys to see their reactions.

"Murray I'm not gay,"

"Steve, I didn't say you were. But you two obviously have a certain chemistry that I have come close to having, but I've never been lucky enough as to actually have it. So that's it. That's my whole spiel."

Eddie looked at Steve, wide eyed and still very confused.

"We're not-" They both said in unison. A silence fell over the room for a second or two. But then Eddie started laughing. And then Murray. And when Steve finally gave in, they all laughed until they were practically in tears.

"I like this guy," Eddie said, resting his head on Steve's shoulder after they all finished dying of laughter. Steve flinched, but not because he didn't want Eddie's warmth on his body, but because they hadn't even talked about their feelings to each other and now Murray had Eddie falling all over him.

"Isn't that just precious," Murray said, watching Joyce, Hopper, and Will walk through the door. The three of them stopped dead in their tracks, looking at the two boys holding each other on the couch.

"Hey boys," Joyce said happily, walking over to give each of them a kiss on the cheek. She hadn't seen them since before they killed Vecna. It was no surprise to anyone that Eddie was holding Steve like they were two teenagers entranced in each other's presence- so occupied they didn't even realize that anyone had walked in. But they quickly moved away from each other when Joyce made their presence known. "I'm happy for you guys." She said and looked at Murray. He winked. She knew what that meant.

"God, get a room," Will chuckled and went over to hug them both. Eddie seemed to have felt no embarrassment at all, while Steve was extremely confused and mildly uncomfortable. He handed Will the mixtape.

"It's got some Dio and more of The Clash. I know you like them. Some other good shit too," he smiled and ruffled Will's hair. Steve caught Hopper's amused stare out of the corner of his eye. As Eddie and Will started talking about getting Hellfire back together, Steve walked over to him.

"What?" Steve asked, expecting a smart comment from Hopper.

"Nothing, I'm guessing you guys got the speech too?" He snickered and went to light a cigarette, but Joyce snatched it out of his hand and gave him a stern look.

"Uh, yeah I guess you could call it that," Steve looked back at Eddie, "To be honest I don't really know what's going on. First we're hanging out. I mean sure we were flirting but we'd never really..talked about it. And we get here and Murray instantly starts teasing and now I feel like a decision about what our relationship is has been made for me." He rubbed his temples, obviously stressed.

"Well, do you want to be with him?"

"Yeah, I think so, I don't know." His eyes were filled with sadness, and Hopp noticed.

"Steve," He said sternly, "You can't let possible disapproval from anyone ruin this for you. I will personally take care of anyone who has the gaul to say anything other than congrats. And if you're worried about the kids, don't be. They've been wondering how long it'd take for you two to figure out your shit." He smiled and walked out to his car to pick El up from Mike's, giving Joyce a kiss and saying goodbye to everyone before he left.

Eddie's eyes wandered over to Steve who was already looking his way.

"Ready for that pizza, babe?" Steve's face turned a deep shade of red, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.


Murray walked them out to the car after saying their goodbyes to Will and Joyce

"Have fun," he said, hugging them both tightly. "And I'm here for you if either of you need me." Both boys nodded, and Murray walked back inside.

When inside the car, Steve said something that made Eddie's head spin.

"Can I kiss you, Eds?"

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