The Pandemonium

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My uncle Magnus and I were enjoying a nice cocktail when a mop of blonde hair that looked a lot like someone I used to know when I was suddenly pulled into a flashback of what had happened 20 years ago: 

 I was sitting at the beach mulling over what had been happening as of late and how a certain daughter of Athena had been avoiding me when a bright light encompassed me and when I fluttered open my eyes after the light died down and I was in the middle of the throne room in chains with Annabeth standing next to Zeus whispering in his ear. Suddenly a thundering voice shouted out, "Perseus Jackson you have been a spy for the titans and Gaia during the wars, you are banished from camp half blood. What do you have to say for this betrayal!" 

The moment I glanced around the throne room I figured out that I could say nothing to change their minds as all the gods in the throne room had made up their minds. My father began to speak, "Perseus Jackson you are NO SON OF MINE, I hereby disown you and banish you from ever stepping foot in the ocean again!" 

I was then transported to the street in front of the Empire State Building when I broke down in tears and all I knew was that I wanted to go home and have a blue cookie with my mom, then suddenly I was somehow standing in front of my apartment door. However I heard voices arguing so before I went in I decided I'd get some information when I heard, "Magnus I have a son, don't ask how it's possible I wasn't doing anything with my magic to make it happen. He doesn't know about this side of his heritage-" then a new voice sounded interrupting my mom, "Sally I don't know what to say, but I need you to come back a lot of downworlders have been slaughtered and I'm scared and I need your help!" She then looked at me with a look of surprise. 

She then looked concerned, "Perseus Jackson! What happened to your eyes?" Now it was my turn to look surprised. 

I then responded, "Poseidon disowned me for apparently being a traitor to Olympus, which I would never do, however my eyes not being the same color must be a side effect." Now my mom looked alarmed as she ran up and hugged me as she sat me down and explained my heritage from her and she told me that I now have cat eyes like a true warlock. 

The next morning we were supposed to leave for Brooklyn when a monstrous creature attacked and killed my mom before my new found uncle could banish it.

I was jerked out of my thoughts by circle members approaching my Uncle as I snuck away to make sure the shadow hunters were alright. I had been with my Uncle ever since what happened to my mom and Magnus taught me everything I now know how to do with my magic. Some may even say that I'm not stronger than him when it comes to skill. 


This a rewrite of the original chapter I noticed that I didn't like how it was originally written so I decided to rewrite better. I hope you like it and thank you for reading this chapter. 

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