Oh When The Gods Go Marching In

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We barely managed to run as the gods stormed our previous location. Although before we could even begin to get settled Hecate found us and pretty soon the rest materialized next to her.

They started accusing, "Perseus Jackson how are you still alive without our help?!" And other like accusations until I cut them off, "BANE!" They looked confused so I elaborated, "My name is Perseus Bane!"

They all looked startled. I decided that letting them know that I don't need them to stay alive, "As for what I am, Hecate should have noticed by now, I'm a warlock along with my uncle, Magnus Bane." My sperm donor looked confused, "Oh Poseidon, apparently when a warlock sleeps with a god they can get pregnant."

Now the room erupted in chaos...

There were different questions and insults being thrown around...

Then the shadow hunters ran in... More chaos.

Apparently Clary and them had thought that Valentine had found us, and had not expected beings so much worse.

Soon the gods started talking about punishment for a crime I had not committed. Interrupting powerful beings is becoming my profession, "You still believe that I actually did that. I would have never betrayed you. My fatal flaw was loyalty!"

The shadow hunters looked shocked.

Not expecting that the fight would go this direction.

The gods...

Couldn't help but...

Reconsider what they did without any solid evidence to their hero.

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