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The shadowhunters have finally found out what happened to Clarissa's memories as they have decided to show up the the rave that we decided to host. Uncle Magnus looks stunning as usual and has taken a liking to the lightwood boy. When the shadowhunters walked into the rave with a mundane surprise almost made me crack my current stony demeanor until I remembered how pushy Fairchild women could be. 

When the shadowhunters came up to me demanding I help Clarissa is when I started to become fairly angry. Seeing as the people who have little to none-actually scratch that shadowhunters don't know how to ask nicely for help. They may have had better relationships if they were nicer. 

I of course refused when they offered to so generously give absolutely nothing in return except my uncles necklace that I have never cared about I left them for Uncle Magnus to deal with. The mundane however seemed very persistent in following me and when I got tired of his stalkerish tendencies of following me I allowed him to catch up. What he said however was fairly surprising, "Look I'm sorry about Jace's rudeness and inability to ask nicely. I know that you owe us nothing, and I wanted to apologize for what had happened, however I came to ask you if you could help my best friend?" 

Now what these shadowhunters didn't know is that doing so is actually much harder than they might think if we don't want to hurt Clarissa. So my response was brutally honest, "Ok look I know that you care for Clarissa, however what you are asking for is actually much harder to accomplish than you think. The spell we used to take her memories upon Jocelyn's persuasion. I'm sorry we can't help your friend without hurting her further, however the spell does have a time limit and if we don't refresh it which we won't Clarissa's memories will come back eventually." 

Dumbfounded the mundane walked away and left me to enjoy my party till I may have to run again although now I don't know if it will be from the shadowhunter world or the life I lived before. 

I decided to let Uncle Magnus take care of everything as I slipped out of the party. 

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