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"Derek, did you get a chance to check the list I've made with Ellis' needs?" Meredith asked as she was cleaning up some stuff

"I did. I just added her catheter infections from last year, even if I know she'll be fine and she knows how to change it by herself" Derek nodded and grabbed Meredith's hand and pulled her on the couch with him

"Hmm" Meredith breathed and curled up in his arms

"Let's see first tomorrow. Maybe it will all be very accessible" Derek rubbed Meredith's back

"You think? Don't you remember what a living hell it is sometimes to find an accessible hotel or room?" Meredith whimpered, she desperately wanted her daughter to be able to enjoy but they had to be realistic

"We'll see" He placed a soft kiss on her forehead when their daughter wheeled inside

"Dad! You're home" Ellis smiled and wheeled over to say hi

"Hi El" Derek smiled as he hugged his daughter "I knocked on your door earlier but I heard you talking so I didn't wanna interrupt" He explained

"Oh- I was calling with my friends" She smiled softly, reminding her tomorrow they'd go to school to have a talk about all the details of the trip


The next morning Derek was making breakfast while Meredith was going to wake up her daughter

"Ellie, wake up" Meredith tried her her daughter loved sleep just as much as she does "Ellie, sweetie" Meredith walked over to shake her shoulder

"Hi" Ellis whispered as she opened her eyes "I wanna sleep" She groaned and covered herself completely in her blankets

"It's time to get up. Dad's making you pancakes" Meredith explained

"Two more minutes" Ellis groaned

"I have to take off your brace first. I can't stretch your legs" Meredith announced as she strapped Ellis out of the brace she needed because of the scoliosis formed by sitting for all those years without any stomach muscles

"Will I need it on the trip?" Ellis asked her mom

"I think you can do a few nights without" Meredith smiled, knowing her daughter already had too many visible challenges "Dad finished the list so we're ready to leave after breakfast" Meredith said as she started stretching her daughter's leg

"Have you heard from Bails and Zo?" Ellis asked as she grabbed her phone and texted some of her friends

"They're coming home in a few weeks for a weekend" Meredith said as she ended the stretches and helped Ellis sit up "Are you coming for breakfast now?"

"Yeah" She sighed and transferred to her wheelchair

"Let's go see what dad made" Meredith giggled and was followed by her daughter

"Morning dad" Ellis smiled as she wheeled into the kitchen and went to give him a hug first

"Morning monkey, how did you sleep?"

"Way too short" Ellis giggled

"You're your mother" He laughed

"Hey!" They heard Meredith laugh from her spot at the table

"Waffles!" Ellis smiled as her dad placed a plate in front of her

"They look so good. Thanks Derek" Meredith smiled and started digging in, followed by Ellis

"They're so good, dad!"


"Ellis, will you lead the way?" Meredith asked as they entered the school

Ellis wheeled in front towards the office where they would meet. Derek and Meredith held each other's hands, hoping they'd find a solution so their daughter could go on that trip

"We're here" Ellis nervously chuckled

"Let's go inside" Derek smiled and knocked on the door, entering the room first

"Mr and Ms Shepherd" The teacher nodded "Hi Ellis" She smiled

"Hi" Ellis smiled back at her favourite teacher

"Ms Roxy is on her way, she was just printing out some more info about the trip" Ms Stone spoke up "Why don't you take a seat" She smiled

Ellis opted to stay in her own chair, at school she rarely got out of it. She wheeled to the left side of her mother and waited until the other teacher arrived

"Hello, I'm Miss Roxy" The woman said to Meredith and Derek "Ellis, hi"

"Hello" Ellis nodded

"We of course want to give Ellis permission to go on this field trip but we'd like to discuss some things first" Meredith smiled

"We checked with the hotel, they said it's accessible with just a few small challenges" Ms Roxy explained with a bit of annoyance in her voice

"What kind of challenges? Her injury is quite high so she has no feeling in her stomach, she can't easily pop a wheelie" Derek explained

"Mr Shepherd, we're not asking your daughter to pop wheelies" Ms Roxy frowned

"We don't mean it in that way. It's just hard for her to get on and off pavements. She has a hard time transferring to a bed she's not used to" Meredith intervened and grabbed her daughter's hand, understanding it must be hard to be talked about while she was in the room

"Ellis, sweetie. Would you like to come with us?" Ms Stone asked

"Yes" Ellis breathed "I'd love to come" She smiled

"Let's look into how we'll make this work" Ms Stone smiled


"What about the transport?" Derek asked

"We're going with a bus but they are adjusted so Ellis will always be able to get on it" The slightly annoyed teacher replied

"We can always help out if needed" Ms Stone smiled softly at Ellis

"She'll need help with carrying her luggage" Derek then added as well

"Every student can take one suitcase" The brown haired teacher frowned

"Yes but Ellis can't push herself and a suitcase" Meredith sighed, rubbing her hand over Ellis'

"We'll help out, I can take care of two suitcases" The blonde haired teacher smiled at Ellis "We really want you to come with us, I think it would be amazing for the team spirit" The teacher smiled

"Honey, how does this sound to you?" Meredith asks her daughter

"I think it will be manageable" Ellis smiled at her parents

"Miss Stone, is it possible to mail us these documents as well?" Meredith asked the teacher

"Of course" The teacher smiled "Do you have the list with Ellis' needs? Then I'll make sure we help out where needed" She smiled

"Of course" Derek nodded and handed her the papers where everything was written out

"Okay Ellis. Then I'll see you in class" Ms Stone smiled, the grumpy teacher forced a smile at them as the Shepherds left the classroom

"Thanks mom and dad" Ellis smiled

"You'll have to do a lot of things on your own, sweetie" Derek reminded her "But you got this" He kissed the top of her head before Meredith and Derek walked out of the school once Ellis spotted some of her friends and wheeled towards them

Thanks to my amazing co writer mermcwidow <3

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