chapter two ~Leo~

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Trigger warning

I was dragged to the thrown room and placed in-font of my parents.
“Leo where on this gods dam earth were you.” “ I was with River, I
told you this yesterday.” I muttered the last thing under my breath. I
was annoyed I snuck out my window so they didn’t yell at that
people will find out our little secret. How the town would find my
‘secret’ by me walking out the door, I don’t know. “ why were you
alone you should have a guard with you.” “ I wanted to be alone with
them.” I mumbled but no one heard me. As I walked to my rooms
one of my father’s closest advisers slapped my as an told me to ‘be a
good prince.’ This world disgusts me like what the fuck who does
that to anyone especially some who’s not long after turning 18. I get
to my rooms to find Achilles on my bed. “ Achilles move.” I walk up
and give the cat a tap but that doesn’t really do anything. “ i’ll just
sleep on the floor then. I grab my pillow and a blanket and lay down,
I kinda like sleeping on the floor its like a comfort thing. I slowly drift
off to sleep. BANG. BOOM. ( explosion and attack noise). I jump up
and run to my window. Outside I see an army of demons and trolls. I
rush down to the courtyard grabbing a sword and a pen knife on my
way. On the edge of the battle I find Jackson one of the head guards
“ We are under attack my prince.” “ i’m very aware of that mate, if
my family need me i’m gone to find River to make sure they are
safe.” And with that I disappeared into the crowd of fighters and
people trying to escape the town.

~ Jackson ~

After many hours of fighting and many many casualties we managed
to push the enemy back and out of the borders. I enter the throw
room to find the king in a conversation with my father one of his
advisers ( not the one that assaulted Leo) “ I am afraid sir that the
prophecy is going to sadly become true and it is not looking good.” “
ah jackson just the man I was looking for me son has run of with his
partner it seems,” for some reason he said this with a smile on his
face till on of the other knights left,Then the smile dropped. “ go find
my son and make sure he does not under any circumstances find the
phenix do you hear me.” He demanded “ yes sir” was my hurried
response before I ran off to prepare to find prince Leo. As I walk into
my room to pack my bags I remember that the prince ran off to got
find River. ‘ oh gods no.” I think if he went with River he has probably
left the town by now

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