Crescented Garden

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Inside Luna's garden

Is a maiden's heaven.

Many flowers you find

's blessed by the moonlight's mind.


Once, Luna's visited.

Flowers, she was gifted.

Anemone, aster,

To plant with other fleurs.


Not knowing who it was;

She let the day to pass.

Nyx, her friend, don't buy it.

An aconite, Nyx lit.


Red and white camellia,

So is colour rosa.

Those are gifts to Luna

'Hopef'lly, there's no drama'


One night, Nyx' not with her.

Gardener's visitor

Have burnt all her flowers.

None awake at this hour.


By the moon's soil, a broken azalea.

Lily-white; not with him, broken regalia.

Pink carnation and rosemary on moonstone,

Poppies shall be delivered from the night's throne.

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