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Chapter 1

"Jason, this is by far your worst idea... and that isn't a compliment." my voice practically pleaded as he strolled down the sidewalk with the exception of my lingering behind. Jason Grace was my best friend, but sometimes he didn't know when to pause and contemplate his plan. Especially when it involved me and church. There was nothing more humiliating then sauntering into a church while being gay. Not that I was cloaked in eyeliner and glitter, but most of the time church's didn't welcomely accept gays. They'll probably burn me at the stake.

"Nico," Jason faltered to glare me straight in the eyes, his gorgeous blue orbs battling my chocolate ones. "no ones going to judge, and of they do..."--he rolled up his sleeves-"they'll have to mess with"--he patted both biceps--"Piper and Mclean."

"You named your biceps after your girlfriend?" a chuckle escaped my mouth before I could insult him any further.

"Shut up," he muttered before dragging me around the block and into a catholic church. Jason didn't usually attend but every few weeks, just to be sure there was a spot for him in heaven. Often times he was out trashing parties and getting drunk, except he didn't admit that to most people. Recently, he managed to get super drunk and have sex with some other girl while he was dating Piper. He hadn't taken the time to inform Piper, he demanded I come to church with him to make it right. Because Piper wasn't just his girlfriend, the night before he slept with another girl, they got engaged. That next night he brought me out to celebrate and laid a girl.

When we strode in, a line we're going down the middle isle awaiting to shake hands with the minister and his family. Jason nudged me from the side and uttered their names, "That's Minister Apollo Solace, then Mrs. Rebekah Solace, after that is their older daughter Jess Solace, then their older son William Solace, and lastly their youngest daughter Hannah Solace." automatically I translated their last name to: comfort.

My eyes couldn't lock on their faces just their figures so I shuffled through the line until it came to time to outstretch my hand. Minister Solace nodded and then added, "Welcome, I assume Jason brought you!" his expression was a fake smile, I relaxed it because they were mostly delivered from me.

"Yes, sir. The names Nico Di Angelo." I continued down the line until and the last hand was placed in front of me. His eyes were a ocean of blue while freckles dotted his tan cheeks. Wavy blonde hair was stroked to the side and a real smile was facing me.

"Welcome," even his voice was perfection, "my names Will Solace. Hope to see you around." he conjured a wink directed to me then he moved onto shaking hands with Jason. He was beautiful, and he would be mine.

Almost the whole service my mind was whirling with ideas to make this new "Will Solace" mine. Jason was silently gazing towards me every once and awhile, contemplating something. Often times I found myself glaring at the back of Will's head, pleading that he'd twist around to meet my eyes. Unfortunately, he did swivel around to lock eye contact with me.

A large smirk tugged against his lips, the only thing I did was fake a smile then eased my middle finger into the air. He chuckled and tarted listening to the service once again.

You shall be mine, I internally commanded.


So all of these chapters are going to be short so don't sound disappointed because it will continue... I thought it'd be nice to continue some of these chapters while "Sunrise" is on hold because I've finished the first book. Meanwhile, please go read it because the next book will be coming out soon.

Also, Sunrise has a Q/A till August 30th!!! Please feel free to comment any questions for the next book.

Thanks! Please vote because none of this could have happened without the wonderful Rick Riordan!!


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