Horrible Discoveries

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So, the song above is completely irrelevant to this chapter. But I do recommend listening to this song if you haven't already. 

  That's it, hope you enjoy!


September 28, 1995

   It's been two years. Two years since you and Sid have become friends with the infamous trio. Billy Loomis, Stu Macher and Randy Meeks. You guys were a little inseparable after your guys first 'hangout' a few days after you all met at the video store. You all had gone to the park, raided an ice cream truck and laughed all day long. It was one of the best days you had ever had. The group had expanded when Stu started dating Tatum Riley. The cheer captain. Both you and Sidney had instantly connected with the girl. She wasn't afraid to voice her opinion, she was funny and had the best sense of humor. Precisely why her and Stu, in your eyes, were a perfect match.

   Billy and Sidney started dating. Which was bound to happen. You knew right when Sidney started gushing about Billy right after you guys had met, that they would end up together.

  You and Randy were the only singles in the group. Which only made Tatum tease you both about being the perfect geeky- slasher couple. It always only took a glare from you to make her shut up. She knew you were already embarrassed and didn't want to embarrass you even more by continuing.

   Right now you are in study hall. Luckily you aren't alone. Billy and Stu also had this class. You were glad that you were able to skip a grade a few years ago. Otherwise you wouldn't be around any of your friends all day.

You practically rushed to get your biology homework done. It was friday and every friday night your entire friend group went to the cinema to watch a film. Then afterwards you all would go to yours and Sidney's house to stay the night. Your parent's were hesitant in letting Billy, Stu and Randy stay the night but after some convincing they caved.

  Somehow, over time, Friday nights became a tradition.

   You glanced up at the clock on the teacher's desk. Fifteen more minutes of class. You looked back down at your homework. Why the teacher had to assign homework on Fridays, I don't know. I think she secretly hates us. Or thinks none of us have a life.

    I sighed when I flipped the packet closed. Finally, I was done. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I knew it was Stu so I ignored him. Grinning to myself when he used his pencil to tap my shoulder again. More impatient.

"Emmaaa." His voice sang. Trying to get me to turn around. I eventually caved. Not wanting him to distract other students since they were working on their homework as well. I turned around. Stu was sitting there, tapping his pencil on the table as he looked at me with knowing eyes. I tried to stop myself from grinning but it was almost impossible. He knew I was purposefully ignoring him.

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