Party Planning

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   The day had finally come. It was the day of Stu's party. Well, the evening of anyways. We still had a few more hours until the party.

Me and Sidney are still staying at Tatum's house, per Dewey's and Sidney's request. Stu and Billy have checked in every now and then and made sure we were all doing okay. Which I am beyond grateful for.

Tatum woke me and my sister up earlier this morning to go shopping for clothes to wear to Stu's party. Apparently, our clothing options didn't live up to her high expectations. We shopped around for a few hours and took our time. Eventually, it was time to gather snacks for the party.

Dewey parked his cop car on the side of the road, and we all stepped out.

"It's so quiet out here." I observed, taking in the quietness around me. Both the girls and Dewey agreed. "Look, I have some business to take care of. You girls stay together." Dewey nodded at us before taking off across the street towards the police station.

"Is Billy going to be there?" Sidney asked as we entered the grocery store. Tatum shook her head. "I told Stu to keep him away. We can live without drama for one night."

I nod my head in agreement. Even though Billy is one of my best friends, my sister deserves a relaxing night. We all three approached the chip aisle, Tatum and I throwing different bags of chips into the cart.

We picked up other things like drinks and candy.

"I don't know what it is but, every time Billy touches me I just can't......" Sidney speaks up as we walk past the row of refrigerators.

"So? You have some anxiety that's tied to the way your mother died. It's perfectly normal." Tatum comforts her while I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess so. But how many boyfriends tend to put up with a girlfriend that's sexually anorexic?" Sid asked as she grabbed some ice cream. "Look-" Tatum started, grabbing ahold of Sidney's arm. "Billy and his penis don't deserve you, m'kay?"

As the two started to walk away I spoke up. "Hey, I'm gonna go get some popcorn, okay?" Tatum turned to me, "Okay, we'll wait for you up front by the register." I watched them turn the corner before I turned around and made my way to the aisle I knew held the popcorn. But before I could leave the aisle I was on, I saw a reflection in the refrigerator doors.

The sight made me freeze in my tacks, unable to move.

It was... him.

Before I could even move the reflection was gone. In the blink of an eye.. He was gone. With one hard breath I sped walked to get the popcorn. Trying to convince myself it was just some prank.

Hopefully tonight will get my mind off of him.

Dewey waited until he saw the girls enter the store before he took off towards the police station, stopping to get an ice cream cone on the way.

Sheriff Burke had called him earlier this morning, asking him to come by the station sometime today to speak with him.

Dewey approached Sheriff Burke outside the station. Dewey had his ice cream cone in hand whilst the Sheriff held onto a cigarette. "Sheriff Burke." Dewey tipped his hat as he greeted his superior. The Sheriff blew out a cloud of smoke before answering. "How are the girls doing?"

Dewey licked his ice cream, "There as good as they can be, physically anyways. Mentally.. I don't know." Burke nodded in understanding, taking another puff of his cigarette. Dewey took notice of that, "Thought you quit?"

"I did but, damnit." He threw the stick on the ground and stomped on it. "Listen, we've been doing some digging."

This caught Dewey's attention.

"All the calls to the girls and Casey Becker's phone registered to Neil Prescott, Emma and Sidney's father." The Sheriff grinned slightly, "And now, he's nowhere to be found."

Dewey continued to lick his ice cream, "Could the cellular have been cloned?" The Sheriff shook his head, "It's possible but highly unlikely. If he's not found in the next 24 hours, then we're gonna do a house-to-house search for him."

Dewey nodded.

"You take care of them girls, okay?" The Sheriff told Dewey, watching as he nodded back at him.

But little did they know of the ears listening in on their whole conversation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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