𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞

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Will is noted as having his father's surfer-body, shaggy blond hair, blue eyes, and having an athletic build. He typically dresses casually in a T-shirt and shorts.

bruh ok my bro Will is amazing omgs.

go Nico o my gods

just look at this sunshine boi:

(((i cant get the picture to load so here's the Pinterest link))


((you may need to copy-and-paste the link into a new tab to view the picture))

he's so amazing everyone always forgets that and that's just sad. Will deserves to be appreciated. i mean come on, look at all of this guy's abilities:

Will is a fairly powerful demigod as the son of Apollo, although his inherited abilities are much more geared towards healing than combat or music. In The Blood of Olympus, Will himself admits that his powers are mostly for healing and as a result, he lacks many of the natural archery and musical skills of his siblings, only demonstrating a rudimentary skill in those areas. Will tells a gathering of other councilors while looking down at his hands with distaste that "I wish I was a better archer... I wouldn't mind shooting my Roman relative off his high horse. Actually, I wish I could use any of my father's gifts to win this war. Unfortunately, I'm just a healer."

Archery: As the son of Apollo, Will is a naturally talented archer. However, in The Blood of Olympus, Will admits that he isn't as skilled in archery as the rest of his siblings since his powers are primarily as a healer.

Vitakinesis: Will can heal people by singing a hymn to his father in Ancient Greek. Will is a particularly powerful and talented healer, acting as Camp Half-Blood's head medic from a young age. In The Blood of Olympus, Will himself states that most of his abilities are in healing which Chiron reassures him are essential. After getting a zombie infection that is beyond the ability of Pranjal to heal in The Tyrant's Tomb, Apollo briefly wishes that Will were there, although he knows that the infection is likely beyond even Will's power to fix, requiring god-level healing due to Apollo's own dormant godly nature.

Injury Senses: By taking Nico's hand briefly in The Blood of Olympus, Will is able to sense the amount of damage that shadow traveling across the world has done to Nico and just how close it is to killing him.

Audiokinesis: Will can make a painful ultrasonic whistle that can temporarily stun his opponents, making them clutch their ears in confusion. He used this ability against several Romans and monsters when the Romans were attacking Camp Half-Blood which proves to be highly effective against them, particularly the dog-headed monsters who have sharper hearing than humans. Will states that it is one of his few musical talents.

Couplets Curse: As seen in The Last Olympian, some members of the Apollo cabin can curse others to only speak in rhyming couplets that can take days or even weeks to wear off. It is not confirmed if Will is one of them.

Heliokinesis: As seen in The Tower of Nero, Will can produce a golden glow, enough to consistently provide light across a large cavern. Since this is when Nico specifically requests that Will glow at the minimal level, it can be assumed that his glow can get much more powerful. Later, when Nero also begins to glow, Apollo compares Will's glow directly to that of his own godly rage.

he has a whole lot of skills that i feel like everyone forgets. 


William is a masculine given name of Germanic origins which means protector.

Solace is derived from the old French name "Sollas" which is derived from the Latin "Sōlācium", meaning comfort or "consultation in times of stress".

i swear he's perfect o my gods

((and if you're curious his middle name (Andrew) literally just means man))


Will's last name, Solace, may refer to the fact that his father Apollo is the god of the sun, as 'Sol' means 'sun' in Latin.

His last name Solace also means comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.

again i swear he's perfect o my gods. Nico, you should appreciate your boyfriend o my gods. also im glad that Apollo/Lester ships solangelo because i would've literally just stopped reading The Trials of Apollo if he didn't. but i mean, Apollo's bi, right? so why wouldn't he? he's had boyfriends before. he said it himself.


In fact, Apollo claims that Nico and Will are so cute together as a couple, that it made him feel desolate, jogging his memories of the time he had spent with his mortal boyfriend Hyacinthus, one of Apollo's two all-time favorite lovers (the other being Daphne).


Will's father, the former god Apollo, is completely supportive of their relationship, due to him having had several mortal boyfriends himself.

also imagine being a demigod and being in a relationship so cute that your godly parent is like "I SHIP IT!!" and is just so supportive

ok now im just ranting about solangelo and Apollo/Lester and not Will lol

but i guess i'll just add more to this later? idk.

but for now—

bye! comment who or what i should rant about next!


credits to https://riordan.fandom.com/wiki/Will_Solace?so=search for the info

((also this is probably what most the rants are going to look like. just a bunch of copied-and-pasted things from the fandom wiki and my little side comments))

EDIT: ((from like legit two seconds after i posted it lol))

hi im back.

ok so just look at this:

Will is a caring person who is willing to help out anyone who needs to be healed. He cares greatly for his siblings and aided his father when the fallen god was at camp. Will also has a calming disposition, as shown when he calms down Clarisse during a counselor meeting. During Nico's dream in The Blood of Olympus Will felt inadequate because he is a medic and not much of a skilled fighter. Despite this, Will has risked his life in battle on multiple occasions rather than staying on the sidelines as a healer, showing great bravery, even willing to travel into Tartarus itself to help Nico rescue Iapetus.

With a tendency to overwork himself, Will is extremely dedicated to his work, even going so far as to not sleeping for days on end. He has also developed a kind of shell, meaning that even in extremely stressful situations he at least looks calm and collected.

Uncle Rick:  I created a beautiful healer, fifteen-year-old, William Solace. Son of Apollo.

Me, gesturing to Will having a panic attack, remembering someone he couldn't save:  No, you didn't. Look at it. It has anxiety.

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