writing i guess idk

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hello again fellow homo sapiens


when/if you're writing something [fanfic, stories in general, essays, etc.], do you ever just


right at that line that flashes in and out of existence or whatever it's called?

because i know i do.

i just stare right at it—completely lost in thought. it's a weird experience to be honest with you. it's one of those things that happens/you do/people in general do that's really hard to explain for some reason, you know? like its captivating. i could just stare at it for a while, trying to come up with ideas of what to write next, and then boom!!!! ideas. they just flow out of me. my hands and fingers are basically not even touching the keyboard. its weird. its also very hard to explain. but its a satisfying experience to watch as the words form the exact ((or somewhat exact anyway—depending on what words you use to describe it)) picture in your head. its amazing to watch. i dont know why it is—i just really feel like it is.

oki thanks for coming to my TED-Talk !!!!

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