✨☀️𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡💀✨

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so i know that i originally posted this on my message board as a roleplay starter ((which it totally still is)), but my brain was all like: hey, here's some fluffy trash. now go write it. and i was like: oki.


here u gooooooooooo...........((enjoy :D))


"Come on, Will! Please~?"

Nico was trying to persuade Will to let him out of the Infirmary, just for the nightly campfire, which was starting in a couple minutes. If he didn't persuade him now, they might not get good seats, and if it came to that, they could just sit with Nico's friends ((the seven + Kayla & Austin)).

In Nico's case, "good seats" were seats in the very last row, away from everyone else. He glanced at the clock hanging above the cabinets on the other side of the building. Two minutes. That was all he had to convince Will, and so far, it was going well. Will sighed, furrowing his brows.

"Alright. As long as you—"

"I know, I know. 'As long as you don't overexert yourself.' Now, come on! We're gonna be late!" Nico pulled Will's hand, trying to get him to move. He chuckled, making Nico's knees weak.

**i'm lazy i know; time skip to when they get to the campfire**

"Where'd you want to sit?"

"Back here," Nico said, gesturing to the log farthest from the fire.

The boys sat down, Nico on the end of the log, Will next to him. In ten minutes, everyone had arrived, though no one sat near the pair. Nico was pleased, he didn't feel like interacting with anyone, well, except for Will. Only a few minutes in, Nico's eyes betrayed him.

He kept glancing at Will, who looked almost god-like in the light of the fire. His face seemed to glow, and his sky-blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the light of the dying sun. Best of all, however, was his smile. Nico felt as though Will's smile could light up the world, especially his world.

Oh my Gods, Nico thought, his hair. Oh my gods, his hair. It's so pretty. I bet it's really soft. I could just reach over and—No! Bad Nico! Stop thinking like that!

Will caught Nico staring, and Nico blushed, looking away, his dark bangs covering his face. Will laughed softly, causing Nico to internally melt. "What's got you all flustered, huh, Death Boy?"

Nico, before he could process the question, answered, "You."

It was Will's turn to blush. "I-I-Y-Youlike me? I-I never thought.."

Nico's brain just decided to give up on thinking about his responses before saying them. "Yeah, I do. Sunshine."

In a split second, time stopped. Will took Nico's face in his hands, and kissed him. Nico's eyes widened for a second, but then he leaned into it. They pulled away, reluctantly, and smiled at each other with flushed cheeks.

"T-That was nice," Will said.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah, it really was."

Nico's eyelids started to droop and his head fell onto Will's shoulder.


Nico's head flew onto his shoulder and he smiled.

"Back to the Infirmary, I suppose?" he asked the sleeping boy.

"Mhm..." Nico mumbled tiredly.

Will picked him up bridal-style and walked back to the Infirmary.

Best. Campfire. Ever. Will thought, carrying the sleeping son of Hades in his arms. He glanced down at the sleeping boy in his arms and smiled; his face was angelic when he slept. Almost as if, all the pain and suffering he went through, dissapeared, and he was just a normal boy. Before entering the Infirmary, Will lightly kissed Nico's forehead.

What he didn't see, however, was the warm smile that graced Nico's angelic face that night.



That morning, Nico awoke from a peaceful sleep, one that was rare for a son of Hades like him. Will was organizing a cabnet across from his bed for, at least, the thousandth time. At this point, Nico knew not to say anything about it, Will would just deny it, saying, "No I haven't." It was useless, to say the least. Then, it hit him. It's my last day here.

He didn't know what to think or feel. He was definately happy, no doubt about that, but besides that? He didn't know. He sat up in his bed, the discarded covers now falling lightly around his waist. "Hey, Will?" He asked the blonde.


"What time is it?"

Will glanced at the clock. "11:53. Almost lunch."

Nico could tell he was avoiding the It's-my-last-day-here topic, so he decided to let it slide; for now. He would have to bring it up eventually.

The events of last night's campfire hit him like ((im sorry)) one of Cupid's arrows of love. He must've looked pale, well, paler than usual, because Will came running over asking if he was okay. He put the back of his hand up to Nico's forehead to take his temperature, causing the Italian to turn the color of the strawberry fields ripest strawberries.

"No, I'm fine. I just, um, remembered l-last night..." Nico said, looking at his legs dangling over the edge of his cot. Will's eyes widened.

"Oh, I, um, hope you're not mad about it," he said.

His head shot up, looking at Will. "No! No, I just, wondered, you know, what this makes, us now. Like...are we...d-dating? Or..."

For a second, Will just stared at the younger boy. Then, he laughed. "Sorry. It's just—Yes! I mean, if you want us to be," he said, between pants from laughing.

"Oh, okay...So, what does this change? Like, is there different, um, rules, when you're dating? Or...? I've never been in a relationship before, so..." Nico trailed off at the end, unsure of what to say. His mind was too busy thinking: Will. Freaking. Solace. My. Freaking. Boyfriend. Oh my goDS THIS IS THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE! Woooooo!!!

"Well, for one, you can't date anyone else."

"Not likely. But, keep going."

"Um, and I guess we just, kind of, make up the rest as we go along. I mean, I know you don't like a lot of contact, so there's that. That part, though, I'll leave up to you. Besides that...Not much."

"Oh, okay."

A loud sound startled the boys, but they knew what it was nonetheless. The conch horn that signals meals. It was lunch. Nico got up, and sprinted out of the Infirmary, Will at his heels a minute later.


~~the end~~

ok so i hope that you enjoyed this!! :D

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