⪼ 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ⪻

188 27 23

chan had been driving for 11 hours nonstop. the sky had gotten darker and the breeze coming through the windows was cold, signaling the arrival of nighttime. it was time for him to take a break, eat something and sleep.

the man decided to stop somewhere in the middle of the road but suddenly, a small store at the other side of the street caught his attention. the store didn't seem ruined or demolished. of course the place was covered in gore and some dark, decayed blood from the zombies that had probably died or fought there. but that was all.

the store was in a great condition and chan thought it would be stupid not to visit it and maybe look for some extra food and other supplies. if it was safe, maybe he could even sleep there for the night.

chan hesitantly exited the car after checking the road for any signs of zombies but he didn't hear, see or smell anything. he would notice immediately if there were any of them around by the smell. the smell of the dead was too strong not to notice.

chan closed the door behind him and didn't lock it, just in case he needed to hurry back in if he encountered anything weird. he then went at the back of the truck and equipped himself with guns and knives to make sure that whatever he found in that store wouldn't be able to overpower him.

but still, the area looked peaceful and the store looked void of life. or death. yet chan still needed to make sure. just in case.

the man closed the trunk and with slow and hesitant steps began walking towards the store, his rifle fully armed and ready to shoot in his arms. maybe choosing a knife would be a better idea as it wouldn't make much noise compared to the rifle but he felt safer with it.

chan reached the entrance of the store after what felt like ten minutes of slowly and tentatively approaching it. he quietly pushed the door which was thankfully unlocked and got inside, letting the glass door softly close behind him.

he was now in. and hopefully, he wouldn't find anyone else there.

chan walked in and looked at his surroundings. no sign of zombies or people. the store was most likely empty. that was good.

he checked all the aisles and the toilets and everything looked clear. there were still a lot of things on the shelves and the freezers seemed to function normally which was strange since electricity wasn't supposed to work. but maybe tha store worked differently. who knows?

chan grabbed some dry food from the shelves and shoved it into his bag, as well as some equipment that could be useful for him to survive in the wild if needed. he also grabbed some bottles of water and two bottles of wine. it could be useful to him someday.

the man walked towards another aisle where all the medicines and first aid kits were located. he took with him a few more bandages, disinfecting wipes and some painkillers and blood thinners. he was suffering from fv laden, a blood condition that made the formation of clots easier. the blood thinners would be really useful if he got a big injury. he then got an inhaler for his asthma attacks that happened once in a while and some medical needles and threads to stitch up any upcoming wounds.

"that will be enough." he whispered to himself and then decided to close his bag and go back to his car to organize his new stuff. however, a sudden rustling sound from the door he had left unopened inside the store attracted his attention. the sound was... well it didn't sound like zombies. but it didn't sound humane either.

chan didn't know what to do. if the thing behind the door was one or more zombies, he would have to fight for his survival. however if there was a human behind that door... chan didn't want to leave them behind.

so he waited. he waited until the door opened and that's when he realized that he had made a big mistake.

about twenty zombies bursted out in the room and started dragging themselves toward chan, disgusting substances leaving their mouths along with inhumane cracked sounds.

he wouldn't be able to fight them all with just his knives. he had to use a gun. even if that put him at risk. more zombies could approach the area if they heard the gunshots.

but still, he could care about that later. making sure that all the zombies were dead was his top priority.

chan started shooting at all directions, trying to target the zombies' heads to make sure that they'd actually die. shooting them on anywhere else wouldn't really affect them anyways.

the man struggled to keep some zombies away from him as he shot the rest but it was hard to control both at the same time. the monsters jumping on him were always ready to bite or scratch his skin and if any of these happened, chan would be joining them soon.

but he never gave up, no matter how hard it was to fight those monsters. he shot and stabbed whomever he could and after almost ten minutes, he had managed to kill them, or at least hurt them enough to disable them from walking. his clothes and face were covered in blood or whatever that thing the zombies had inside their bodies was because that dark crimson thick substance was nothing close to blood.

he was panting heavily and sweat was dripping from his face all the way down to his t-shirt.
"shit" he whispered and wiped his forehead with his hand, grimacing when he saw the blood and some zombie brain leftovers on it once he pulled it away from his face.

at least they're all gone, he thought and let out a sigh of relief, closing he eyes for a minute to relax but suddenly, another sound came from that door and chan, instinctively, turned around and fired his gun, not realizing what he had done before a scream and then a loud drop echoed from that room.

wait. a scream? zombies don't scream when they get shot. does that mean—

"oh my god!" chan exclaimed in surprise and dropped his rifle on the ground as he ran into that room. just like he had imagined, a human was kneeling down on the dirty floor, wincing and groaning in pain as they tightly clenched their shoulder.

chan had shot a human. an actual, living human.

"shit are you alright?" chan rushed to their side without a second thought, not noticing the way the person flinched and pulled away when chan's hand touched their injured shoulder.

"i've definitely been better." the human groaned again and closed their eyes tightly, blinking some tears away. "why'd you shoot me?"

chan gulped and rubbed his nape awkwardly. "i uh thought you were one of these things."

the person opened their eyes and stared at chan for a second, their mouth opening like they were ready to say something but they seemed to regret it quickly as they closed their mouth again and instead remained silent.

"what were you doing here anyway? how did you just escape from a room full of zombies and haven't been torn into pieces by them?"

the human sighed and looked down, shrugging at chan's question. "dunno. i guess i was careful. i live here actually for the time being."

"you live here?!" chan was shocked. how could someone live in a place full of these monsters and still be alive and injury-free? was that person just lucky or the zombies didn't attack them for some reason?

"yea i've been staying here for quite a while. didn't have anywhere else to go." the person shrugged again and winced slightly when the pain from their shoulder kicked in again. "now are you gonna keep interrogating me or you'll finally help me with that wound that you caused?"

chan chuckled and got up, offering his hand to the other person to help them get up as well. "my name is chan by the way, nice to meet you."

"i'm minho." minho said and accepted chan's hand, getting up from the floor as well.


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