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"wake up min! i made breakfast~"

chan's soft voice made the younger boy blush furiously but he didn't move from the seats he was laying on. he wasn't asleep, he had never fallen asleep anyways. but he wanted to hear chan's playful, gentle tone again. the way chan was speaking was... he hadn't heard anyone else talking like that to him since he lost his person.

gosh chan's voice really reminded him of that person he had been longing for for all this time.

"it's time to wake up. it's late and we have a long way ahead. come on." chan tried again but minho still didn't move. he couldn't. the older man's voice paralyzed him.

"minhoooo we need to go soon! come on you big baby wake up!" chan's voice wasn't as gentle and warm this time. it didn't remind minho of that person's voice. chan sounded annoyed and he probably was after attempting to get minho to "wake up" for the nth time. minho snapped his eyes open, not wanting to torture chan for any longer.

"oh you're awake finally! come on now, eat something and let's get out of here!" chan left and minho just stared ahead with a frown forming on his face. he preferred chan's cheerful tone over the one he used now.

half heartedly, minho got up from the car and went out, looking at chan who was sitting in front of the vehicle with a small plate full of rice in his hands. he wasn't eating, meaning that he probably had made this for minho. and minho felt so bad that he wouldn't be able to eat it.

"hey you're up. i made this for you." chan smiled at him and handed him the bowl, only for minho to turn it down hesitantly, causing a frown to form on chan's face.

"i'm not that hungry right now. can i save it for later?" he questioned quietly and chan let out a sigh before silently agreeing.

"put it somewhere in the car. we're leaving in 5'" he said and opened the door, sitting on the front seat and closing the door behind him. he looked upset.

and minho didn't know whether he was mad at him or not. he just hoped that he didn't do anything accidentally that could have angered the older.


"where are we going?" minho hesitantly asked, still not knowing whether talking to chan was a great idea. they had been in the car for about two hours and none of them had talked until now. chan still looked mad. and minho was anxious, not knowing what had made chan so upset.

"i don't know." chan replied and just continued driving, not even glancing at the man beside him.

he's definitely mad at me minho thought.

"i'm sorry." the younger man muttered quietly. this seemed to have some kind of effect on chan because he instantly raised an eyebrow and turned to look at minho for the first time this morning after he had waken up.

"why are you sorry?" chan asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"i don't know. you're mad at me so i probably did something to upset you." minho shrugged and that's when chan's eyes suddenly softened.

"minho... you don't need to apologize. i'm not mad at you. i'm sorry if i made you believe that you did something wrong." chan sighed and placed his right hand on minho's thigh, ignoring the way the other boy flinched at the contact. "i just remembered that today is my parents' wedding anniversary... i guess it made me feel moody."

minho bit his lip. his parents' wedding anniversary.. when was his parents' one? he couldn't remember anymore.

"minho?" chan turned to look at him with worry lingering on his gaze. the younger just hummed in response, not looking back at the older man. "you alright?"

minho just grinned slightly but the edges of his lips didn't curl up the way they did when he smiled genuinely. "i'm fine. i just think it's good that you still remember such things."

"you don't remember your parents' anniversary? that's okay, it's not too important for you." chan tried to reassure him but the younger shook his head.

"no. it's not that their anniversary that i don't remember. i don't even remember my parents. what they look like, what their names are. the only thing i know about them is that they turned into monsters right in front my eyes while i was screaming and crying, trying to run away from them." minho let out a shaky sigh. he hadn't recalled those memories for so long. he thought he had managed to repress them successfully but maybe he had failed.

chan looked sympathetically at him, a frown covering his face. "i'm sorry you had to see this minho."

minho just chuckled soullessly. "i've seen many things. but this will never leave my mind. the way my dad jumped on my mom and started eating her guts as she screamed and struggled to get away. the way they both looked at me like i was food for them and started chasing me as i ran down a bloody hallway."

chan was staring at the younger male with so much gentleness and sympathy in his eyes as he spoke with his own eyes filled with pain and guilt. the older man didn't know why the guilt was there. he couldn't find any reason for minho to feel guilty for what happened to his parents.

"anyway. can we take a break? i need to pee and you've been driving for too long." minho suddenly changed the subject. chan wouldn't blame him. it was probably too painful for him to recall all these memories.

"of course we can. just wait a few more minutes. there is a mall about five miles from here. maybe we can find something or someone in there." chan smiled softly and minho just nodded, the pain and regret in his eyes once again replaced by coldness and seriousness. the younger didn't seem like he could keep showing vulnerability for any longer.

"sure. let's go there."

skajdjjad sorry i forgot to update —

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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