⪼ 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 ⪻

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"where are you from minho?" chan asked as he turned on his side to face the other man who was drawing something on his sketchbook.

"i'm korean?" minho looked at him with raised eyebrows and chan just rolled his eyes at him, making him chuckle lightly. "okay yea, i'm from gimpo. you?"

chan felt a cold chill running through his spine at the word. "gimpo?" his voice cracked and his eyes were opened widely.

minho let out a sigh and pressed his lips into a thin line. "yea i know. i'm from the city that started it all blah blah. you're probably wondering why i'm still alive when the government announced through the radio that all gimpo residents have died or turned. but that isn't actually true. almost a hundred of us escaped before it was too late." he said. a serious expression plastered on hi face. "anyways, you didn't answer me where you are from."

chan exhaled shakily, his mind still running wild at the word gimpo. "i'm from seoul." minho just nodded and continued sketching, a small silence falling between them for a few seconds before chan decided to break it again. he hated silence. "how did you escape?"

minho dropped his pencil and glared at the other man who instantly regretted asking the question. "can you please ask something else? i don't feel comfortable talking about it."

"i'm sorry." chan mumbled and looked at his hands, embarrassment covering his face. he didn't know what exactly he was sorry for. insisting on talking about the subject or about what minho had to go through? he had survived hell and was still alive and intact. and lonely. he was so brave.

and of course, once again, he realized that the government had lied to them. why would they say that everyone died when there were at least a hundred people that survived and escaped gimpo before it was too late? chan wasn't really surprised at this point. the government was never trustworthy. not even before the apocalypse.

"what are you drawing?" chan tried to change the subject and minho's grin returned, turning into a small smirk as he looked at chan.


taken aback by the other's bluntness and confidence, chan blushed but hopefully the darkness would be enough to hide it. "stop joking."

"i'm not. i'm actually drawing you. see?"

minho handed chan his sketchbook who just stared at it in awe. it was him indeed, and he looked incredibly attractive. minho had made him look ethereal.

he was talented. making him look so gorgeous.. chan didn't think he was good looking. he always considered himself bad looking, ugly even. but minho's drawing made him look like an angel.

"it's.. beautiful."

minho chuckled slightly as he awkwardly rubbed his nape. "thanks.. i'm not finished yet but i'll probably be able to finish it tonight." he grinned slightly and lowered his head, trying to hide the blush that decorated his cheeks. "sorry i drew you without your permission. i can throw it away if you want."

"don't you fucking dare."

minho laughed loudly at that.

"i don't care about you not asking for permission. you made me look so beautiful even though i look nothing like that."

"you actually look exactly like that. maybe even better." minho muttered quietly, his cheeks flushing more and more with each word that left his lips. "stop underestimating your appearance chan."

chan just sighed and gently touched minho's hand, ignoring the way the other boy flinched. "thank you. you're so kind." he whispered and sent a smile to minho before his attention focused back on the boy's hands. they were freezing cold.

"are you cold?" chan asked worriedly and placed his unoccupied hand on minho's other one, holding them both tightly and rubbing them softly to warm them up. but minho pulled away quickly and hid his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie.

"i'm fine. it's just..." his words faded away.

chan frowned but didn't say anything. he didn't want to overstep.

"you should go sleep. i'll be here the whole night and i'll let you know if something happens." minho mumbled and got up, walking towards the other side of the room, far away from where chan was supposed to sleep. "good night"

chan stared at him for a moment, contemplating whether he should confront him about it or not but he eventually decided against it. he had just met him anyways, minho had no reason to spill his whole life story to him when they didn't even know each other's age yet.


and with that, chan lied down and covered himself with a blanket minho had given to him that of course smelled nothing but blood. but he was used to it, there was nothing else he could use to cover himself anyways.

the man drifted to sleep several minutes later, unaware of the piercing gaze that almost never left his figure the whole night as he was travelling in dreamland.



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