Chapter Three:(TW: blood and gore)

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I turn and cry out, kicking and screaming as Lady Arcane drags me back inside, panic filling my thoughts and my throat closing up. My cries are muffled by her hand as she covers my mouth, making me panic more. I feel a sharp blow to my head and everything fades to black.

I wake up back in my prison cell, my head pounding and my breathing shaky. Lady Arcane's voice echoes through the halls above me along with a few others I don't recognise. My vision adjusts to the darkness of the room and I strain my ears to hear the conversations going on above me. The dimly lit dungeons are warmer than usual and I rattle my chains trying to escape, my head hurting even more with each movement. The sound of voices grows closer and my mind floods with thoughts of what will happen to me now, making the room seem louder and louder. Lady Arcane suddenly slams the door to the dungeon open, two of her maids following her in terror. "This is the one Mistress??" one of them asks her, the lady nods slowly and looks at me in what seems like...fascination? My thoughts seem louder as I try to piece together what is happening. I feel a strange heaviness on my back but remain unable to turn around to see what's wrong. Lady Arcane unlocks the door to my cell and waves the maids away, closing the door behind her. I look up at her and try to speak, my throat suddenly becoming evidently sore from my screams for help. She puts a finger to her lips and cautiously walks around me, admiring me like some form of animal. I attempt to escape again but fail, looking at her with anger slowly rising inside me. A sudden burst of strength flows into all of my muscles and I burst free from my chains, making Arcane cry out in fear as she struggles to unlock the door. I growl and grab her wrist, anger burning in my eyes as I stare at her. "What do you keep me here for?!" I scream at her, making her eyes widen with shock. I suddenly feel my strength leave me and everything fades down to black once again...

A cool soothing cloth greets me as I wake up, the room I'm in completely different to the one Lady Arcane had given me. The four poster bed and vanity were different along with the different mahogany bookshelf. I look up at the person gently pressing a cold cloth to my head to find Lady Arcane smiling down at me. I instantly go to get up and wince at the pain in my head, whimpering slightly in frustration. Arcane soothes me and props me up, a strangely soft tone in her voice as she speaks. "Calm down, you're alright.." she quietly whispers, smiling soothingly at me. I look at her in pure shock as she pulls a warm blanket onto me. I slowly fall asleep, feeling warm and happy...

Something suddenly snaps me back to reality and I look at the damage I'd caused, Lady Arcane remained on the floor unconscious and the chains in little links all over the floor. I gasp as I look at her, blood pooled around her mouth. A guard comes rushing down to the dungeons and cries out as his eyes meet the sight. I try to speak but he silences me and opens the door, pulling Lady Arcane out and slamming the door shut. My head clouds with confusion as I start to lose my grasp on my reality. I hold my knees and rock and forth in panic at what could've possibly happened, trying desperately to calm down. The floor and walls are covered with cracks and the blood on the ground makes me feel sick to my stomach. I slowly edge over to the corner of the cell, falling asleep with tears running down my cheeks.

I wake to the sound of keys in a lock and find Lady Arcane hesitantly opening my door. I back up into the wall and try to fight my tears as I saw her come into the room. "G-go away! Go!!" I shout, crying softly. She comes closer to me instead and slowly holds out her hand. "There are some things I need to explain to you Y/N.." she says softly, making my tears become uncontrollable. I back up further and squeeze my eyes shut, praying for her to leave before I hurt her. She slowly takes my hand and pulls me up to my feet, making me look at her and see her eyes are a pale yellow. Lady Arcane walks me out of the cell and up the stairs to the hall. She leads me up to what seems like her bedroom and motions for me to sit beside her, a warm smile on her face. "Now then, do you want to know what happened in the dungeon y/n?..." she asks in a soothing voice. I nod slowly and sit down, looking around the elegant room and breathing slowly. She then goes on to explain to me that she is what you would call 'dragonic' meaning she has dragons blood in her veins. The powerful abilities that come with it are similar to that of a sorceress, allowing her to open and close enchanted gates called 'crimson gates'. These gates would allow one to travel thousands of miles in merely seconds, but the only catch is that once  said gate is closed your energy will drain quickly which is why it's only a gift for the strongest of Dragoness'. I struggle to take it all in and ask her why she is telling me this, looking into her pale yellow eyes. "You are slightly dragonic yourself y/n...something so rare and powerful! Which is why I imprisoned keep you safe" she softly explains, her voice now calming me. I look at my hands in pure shock, my breathing getting heavier and heavier. Her hand suddenly rests on my shoulder and I instinctively hug her, crying softly. She gasps slightly and looks at me, unsure of what to do.

I wake up to the sound of someone moving around in the room, looking up to see her sat at her dressing table brushing her hair. She looks at me through the mirror and smiles, turning around and raising her brow. "Well hello sleeping beauty..!" she says, her deep and elegant voice soothing me.

(WOO! Over 1000 words long!! Hope y'all like this, next chapter might have some romance?? Idk you guys decide lol. Anywayssss! That is all for this chapter, see you in chapter four!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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