Chapter 17

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—3rd Person

A few days later, Val was released from the hospital and cautiously flew home to Jacksonville. Luckily the boys would be in town for a week so she would still be able to see him. Matt ended up just staying at Vals house while he was in town, while Nick was at the hotel with the rest of the elite. The whole week Matt, when he wasnt busy, was helping where he could with Val. Her head had felt better by the time she was released from the hospital. He helped cleaned her wound and make sure that she was heating it and icing it. He lightly massaged her shoulder, to help with the tense muscles and made sure to put her healing lotion on. He was a godsend to her, so when the week ended and he was off to travel for shows, she was beyond sad. After Matt had left her house it didnt take more than 3 minutes to start balling her eyes out. The week had went by to fast for her liking and now she would be spending her healing process physically alone. Matt made sure to text her often and FaceTime when he could, which helped to an extent, but by the time the phone call would end she would feel like a part of her was missing. When it was just her and matt in her house, she felt complete, minus the shoulder injury. She felt like she did when she was a child, but she was an adult. With Matt traveling, she felt homesick, even though her home was here. Of course she had always read the cliche that sometimes home isnt a house, its a person, and that saying rang more true to her as the weeks passed by.
Val still managed to do her job from home, having things sent to her from TK and Tyson in emails, it helped distract her somewhat, at least for a small period of time.
Same went for Matt. He was missing Val to no end. He tried his best to keep a smile on his face throughout the day, and most times it would work when he was practicing or had a show, but once that was over with, he fell quiet and the smile dropped. It would appear when he would be looking at his phone, texting her or when he had a phone call or FaceTime with her, his face always lit up. Nick knew exactly what Matt was feeling, this is how it was for him and his wife when they had started dating. He was happy for Matt, watching his brother fall so in love and not be so focused all the time, it made him feel so much better about being able to dote on his wife a little more.

Val sat on her couch, laptop in her lap, editing spread sheets for marketing. Val was about a month into her recovery and 4 weeks without Matt. Val's shoulder was feeling a little better day by day, gradually but she still had twinges of pain. The doctor was happy with the recovery Val was making but as the days dragged on, she mentally was becoming drained. She missed Matt dearly. Deciding to take a break from working, she sets her laptop on the coffee table and grabs her phone and decided to call Cal. As she listened to the rings she looked at her  feet, swinging them up in the air.

"Vaaaaallllll!!!!" Cal yells into the phone at his sister. She pulls the phone away from her ear, wincing and chuckles.

"Hi Cal" she smiles into the phone.

"What's up baby sis? How's the shoulder?" He asks. She bites the inside of her cheek.

"Shoulder healing nicely from what the doctor says" she says. Cal can sense her sad mood.

"What's wrong?" He asks. She sighs and feels her eyes start to well up with tears.

"I miss him cal. I miss him so much" val sobbed into her phone. Cals heart was breaking at his sisters cry's. If one he'd had been there hearing her screaming and crying in the hospital.

"Oh Val" he sighs.

"I hate this so fucking much. I hate missing him this much. I hate being without him. How can I have grown so attached to him Cal?" Val raddles off. Cal inwardly chuckles at his disgruntled sister. This was the love their parents had always talked about their kids finding. The one where it feels unbearable to be without them. The one that can make you fall within a week or within a year, the time is not limited.

"Because you are in love. Remember mom and dad talking about love and how it had no time limit. You could be with them for a year or a week and have the same feelings. You both look at each other like your the only things in the world. I know it sucks missing him, I can hear and feel your pain through the phone. But you the saying goes 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'" cal says. Val wipes the tears that have escaped her eyes and chuckles.

"So your a philosopher now?" She giggles.

"No but im just saying, you guys are going to come out of this strong." He tells her.

"I just hate not being near him." She sighs sadly.

"I know babysis. But I do have something to tell you" cal says.

"Hmm?" She hums questionably.

"I'm gonna come down there for a few days and hang out with you" cal says excitedly. Val screams.


"Yes really! I miss my baby sister and I haven't seen you for a minute. Although I'm sad I won't be meeting your boys, I still wanna come see you and spend time. Help around with things you might not be able to do yet" cal explains.

"I'm not complaining. I miss my bestfriend." She says, a sad smile on her face.

"Well I should be flying out tomorrow morning"

"Ooo I'm so excited!" She says happily.

"Me too! I'll text you about my landing and shit. Night val" cal says.

"Sounds good, Night cal" she says ending the call. Cals news made val happy. She was going to at least have someone she also kissed dearly.

—End 3rd Person

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