Chapter 26

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—3rd Person

    As the days went on, Val's symptoms continued. She managed to talk to the on staff doctors about confirming her pregnancy, which they confirmed through blood and urine, but advised Val to go back to Jacksonville and meet with an obgyn. Matt started to grow weary when Val explained she was going home for a few days and that she'd meet them back on the road. He knew she hadn't been feeling good lately but she never let him know the extent of how bad she was feeling. She always managed to just say she felt like shit but continued on with working, which also was starting to scare Matt. Matt also knew something was up when she got extremely emotional at the gate to the airport for her to fly home. She didn't want to leave Matty but she needed to see her baby for herself. If she was going through with this pregnancy like she had decided, after doctor confirmation, then she wanted to make sure she was at least on a good place before deciding to bring Matt into it. Val was scared, mainly because her moms first pregnancy didn't hold and lost the baby. It would have been a girl from what her mother had told her. She was scared she was going to go through the same thing, especially since she traveled which added stress. Val had gotten a hold of her mom the night before she went to the airport and told her what was going on, which she managed to do with all the guys immersed in some video game. Her mom told her she would go with her to the appointment.
While in the waiting room with her mother, she managed to start being scolded on why she has yet to meet the man that her daughter loves and how her brothers had. Val felt bad but also knew her parents worked a lot and Matt already has a conflicting schedule. Her mother was glad her shoulder was healing, val managed to tell her parents it was an accident and that no legal action was necessary, which her father supported whole heartedly. He knew his daughter and she was very sensical. Her mother on the other hand wanted to beat someone's face in but only because her daughter was hurt. Though here Catalina sat with her daughter in the waiting room. Even if Catalina was upset she had her to meet Matt, she also couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness as she looked at Val. Maybe it was the pregnancy but her daughter, aside from look nervous as all hell, had looked beyond healthy and happy. She could feel it radiating off her daughter, even when Val argued she looked like shit.

"Valencia Grey" a nurse called out. Val and her mother got up from the chairs and walked to the door and the nurse brought them in, directing them to a room. Val sat on the exam table and the nurse began asking questions on her pregnancy so far. When she was done she gave Val a gown to change into. Val changed once the nurse had left, not bothering to kick her mother out, then sat back on the exam table. Her mother, sitting next to Val's bag, heard Val's phone vibrate so she grabbed it and gave it to her daughter. Val sighed when she saw it was a message from Matty. She felt horrible keeping him out of the loop but she wanted to do what she felt was best, for the sake of his heart.

Matty- gorgeous how are you feeling today
Val- okay, I'm at the doctors now
Matty- that's good, I miss you
Val- I miss you too
Matty- lmk what the doc says okay, me and Nick have an EVP meeting with TK
Val- okay, I love you
Matty- I love you gorgeous

Val sighs and puts her phone down.

"Was that him?" Her mother asks. Val bites her lip and nods.

"I'm still not fully on board with you not telling him what doctor your at and for what reason, but it's your life" her mother sighs shaking her head. Val puts her down to her chest. She loved her mother but sometimes she didn't help how she was already feeling. The room remained silent and a few minutes later the doctor came in. She held a warm smile as she introduced herself to both Catalina and Val.

"I'm Dr. Wren, I'll be doing your ultrasound today and going over basics about your pregnancy. Shall we get started to see where you are at?" She smiles. Val nods her. The nurse drapes a cloth over her legs and allows Val to pull up the gown to uncover her belly. The doctor precedes to put the jelly on her stomach and move it around her lower abdomen and pelvic region. As the doctor find the sac she notices the baby and a smile appears on her face. She turns to Val.

"Okay if you look right her in this sac, that's your baby" she smiles. Val averts her eyes to the screen and see that it's not as small as she had guessed it would be.

"How far along am I?" Val asks as she watches the wand give different views of her baby. Her and Matt's baby.

"It looks like your about 7 1/2 weeks" she told Val. Val's eyes widen in shock. She had been growing a human for 7 weeks already?

"It looks like everything is going well and from your blood tests it looks like things are going well there too. I'm going to print you some photos of your ultrasound and then you can leave. We will call you to schedule an appointment"

"Um I usually travel for my job and it's a lot of traveling, what do you think I should do about that?" Val asks her.

"I'll tell you what, come back in about a month and if you've continued traveling in that time and there's no strain on the baby, you can continue to travel up until about 6 1/2 months, before it becomes more dangerous with altitude pressures" the doctor says. Val nods in acceptance of her answer. The doctor finishes up and hands the pictures to Val. Val cleans herself up and her and her mother leave, making there way to Val's house. Val sat in the car the whole time staring at the photos. She fell in love with the small blob the moment she saw it. Now she had to tell Matty.

—End 3rd Person

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