Chapter 3

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2 months later...

Bag, check. Keys,check. Phone. Che- shit.
Oh SHIT!! where's my phone??

Rummaging around the apartment, I finally find it.

Foolishly, I had left it in the bathroom whilst I was applying my makeup but after ten minutes of running around not even considering to check the bathroom I find it.

Hmm what's the time. Oh shit it's already 8:56, HOW AM I GONNA MAKE IT THERE IN 4 MINUTES?!?? uhhh.

* At Work*

"Lila, what happened this time now" Nicole abruptly raises her voice whilst rolling her eyes.

This bitch. I swear this women despises me.
She's one of my bosses who works in the law department.

"I'm so sorry, i misplaced my phone" I reply calmly intending not to argue back as she has a high authority in the workplace.
And the last time I argued back, she demanded my pay fee to be lowered.

I don't argue with my bosses or employees. But Nicole had always spoke down at me.

Yes, yes I know she's one of my bosses but that does not mean she has to be so condescending, she once criticised how I made coffee. COFFEE.

"Oh my god, is that how much syrup you put" with her dramatic croaky voice.
Like sorry, if that's any concern to you, but I'm not those type of people who have salads like everyday with their plant based meals.

Alright, that's good for them, but that's not me.

I guess I'm average I do stay consistent with a good diet but some days I'll treat myself to something from 'Joanna's bakery' or either a nice medium sized coffee from Starbucks.

God that bakery is just so appetising and delectable. Okay, I need to stop thinking about food. Fat shit.

Anyways, back to Nicole, ok I do understand im quite unprepared but I guess I always have been, and I truly am working on my management skills.

"I've got you a case, here".
Nicole says handing me a stack of files.


I was hoping it was gonna be an easy case, yet the amount of work it looked, was already dreading me.
"Alright, I'll get to it" I smile with pretence knowing it will drain me out.

I was intending to have a quiet evening today at home, yet it doesn't seem to be. Great. More work to take home.

*At Home*

That was an exhausting day at work. For a few hours, I lay on my couch watching the new series of 'Love Island'.
Oh the drama in this is just so entertaining.

Yet I do contemplate and wonder how it feels to find love, to be falling in love.

The idea of being loved by someone is so tempting, however I don't believe in true love. It will only result in pain and heartbreak by the one you love the most.

Being in love can be painful if you aren't sure that the love is mirrored the same way in the one you love.

The pain comes from fear and the need to feel loved, nurtured and protected.
To love is to have emotional vulnerability, and so without it there can only be a lonely existence.

I remain in my comfort zone; my bed, lost in my thoughts and contemplating how it would feel to have a partner, a family of my own.

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