Stampede In The Town Square

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A/N: I'm alive!! I'm so sorry for a long wait. I've just been going through a lot of self doubt lately and it really has taken a toll on me. Hopefully the worst of it is over though! I hope you enjoy the chapter and just a quick warning there are themes of SA in this chapter.

Night would be upon us soon. The sun had already begun its descent upon the land. Casting the sky in an orange and almost red atmosphere. Every now and then I could see some ravens take wing in the distance. Only black silhouettes against the lowering sun.

I watched the sun set from a window on the second story of the tavern we were currently in. My chin was resting on my folded arms as I blinked slowly. Every now and then I would look down at the alley that Dracal had disappeared into a few hours ago. He had been very cryptic as to where he was going and only said that he would be back soon before leaving the room and the inn. 

I sighed in slight frustration as I continued to wait. Behind me I heard my brother mimic my sigh, though his was a lot angrier. The sound made me flinch slightly. He still deserved an explanation. I had not given one to him the entire time we had been on the road, or the few days we had been in the village of Roso.

I continued to stare out of the window because I knew I'd I turned around I would meet my brothers angry glare. I hadn't worked up the courage to talk to him about all of this yet. I just... didn't quite know how to explain it all to him. 

It did not make any sense. Before I had absolutely no shame in bellowing out my story. To the princes' to Leodai. With my mother I had been more reserved, but now I just felt like a straight up villain for my part in this story. Which was rather odd since I wasn't...wasn't I?

I let out another sigh without even realizing it. My torso rising up higher with the extra air intake before lowering again as I let it out. Suddenly something banged loudly behind me and I jumped, whirling around to face whatever had made the noise. 

My eyes were wide and my entire body was stiff as I turned. Dracal would not have slammed the door open so it would have to have been someone else. Someone who was trying to rush in on my brother and I. The door however was still shut and no malevolent figure loomed there.

Instead Mt brother had now changed positions. I assumed he moved from laying down on his back to sitting up and had slammed his feet down rather harshly. My widened eyes lowered from a scared to a worried look as I finally met his frustrated gaze. His figures gripped onto the blankets of the bet so tightly that his knuckles lightened from the pressure.

" Are you going to talk to me or are you just going to sigh out of the window for the rest of the night as we wait for your friend." He hissed out. His tone getting on a whole new level of irritated as he said the word friend. He said it like it was a bad fruit that he had to spit out.

My lips turned down into a deep and sorrowful frown for a second as I opened my mouth. No words could come out though. I just could not think of the words to say. My head shook side to side apologetically as my eyes silently pleaded for him to be patient with me.

He didn't grant me my silent wish however. My silence angered him and his face twisted with an enraged snarl as he shot to his feet. The quick action made me flinch back and press myself against the open window. He didn't advance on me, but he paced around, throwing me an angry glare every few seconds.

My gaze met the floor since I could no longer look up in his direction. Why could I not just talk to him? He was right there, and he needed me to explain things to him. Then here I was just sitting here, practically waiting for this volatile concoction to go off. Therefore I was willing to take full responsibility of the consequences when my brother finally had enough of my ridiculous nonsense and stormed out of the room.

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