First Day in the Castle

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A/N: The servant's clothing, though the ones in the story reach all the way down to the ankles.

Once you were all fed, you were all herded to a different part of the castle. This time you weren't being pushed and shoved everywhere while wails of fear filled the air. This time it was a lot more of order and calmness in the group. Understandable considering you all were now cleaned and fed.

You were all escorted by more armored invaders. The armor they wore was so abundant that you had no idea of any physical feature about them. Not their skin tone, their facial features, or what color their hair was. The only thing you could tell about them was how tall they were.

They did not speak either. If they were covered in full body armor like the ones in your escort or the ones that attacked your village then you have yet to hear any of them make any words yet, only noises like growls and such.

At one point you could have even sworn that everyone and then you would see one with glowing red lights behind their visors right where their eyes were supposed to be.

You shivered at the cold stone under your feet. You had yet to get any new shoes. Yes, you had received new clothing but no shoes of any kind. The hall was full of the sound of armored boots pounding against the ground, and just barely noticeable underneath it, the small patting sound of one hundred youth feet.

You were all taken into a big hall. There were columns supporting the ceiling and windows far above the reach of everyone in the room and to your discomfort, very noticeable dried bloodstains, and shattered glass from pots and kitchen dishes.

There were a couple of boxes in the center of the room, a person behind each one of them. They stood patiently as the group came forward with their legs apart and their arms behind their backs. They both had tan skin and dark curly hair. Both wearing some type of cloth around their mouths.

They looked like they could be siblings, or at least related. The group was separated into boys and girls and led to their current lister. You were led to the girl's line and the sibling doing the listing was a short girl. While the boy's lister was who you assumed to be her brother.

Images of your brother flashed in your mind. You hoped he was not hurt. You hoped all of your family was unharmed and your new friends too.

The line went by relatively fast. It was mostly them just taking the names of the new servants. Asking you precisely which village you came from. You gave the honest answer if your family was being taken care of because of your work than you might as well take that situation to hand.

When everyone was done, some boys and girls were led off and the remaining group, you included, was now down to the number of twenty. Consisting of about eleven girls and nine boys. The siblings stood in front of the group in stances much like the ones you first saw them in. The girl spoke out in a booming voice.

" You will all begin immediately with cleaning up this room. The castle cleaning supplies are in a storage room down the hall, I will take you to see where it is myself. The water pales will be filled by spout from the kitchens. You will clean this room and make it look like nothing ever happened here, everything will be picked up and there will be no sign that there was ever any battle here. From now on your jobs will be to maintain the castle. Unless you are personally asked to do otherwise this is what you will continue to do. For now, get to work, you will only be told once to do things and you better kick to it." She finished.

Some immediately got to work cleaning up the glass and broken stone from off the floor, while you and a few others were led to the Storage room where brooms, rags, pales, and buckets were collected.

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