Book Description

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This description is a little different. I won't waste your time by going over the actual story description again, but I will tell you some guidelines that I follow for my story and future stories.

1: While this story is ranked mature due to some heavy romance scenes and some violence, it is definitely not over the top. There will be some mature romance scenes, but no sex scenes (I know I've disappointed some of you but don't give up on the book!) ❤

2: I am not a grammar nazi. Naturally, I tend to use proper grammar, but no author is perfect. There will more than likely be mistakes, I am only human. If you see a mistake, kindly point it out or message me about it! I do not want to see any rude comments or multiple comments saying I made a mistake. Just one comment about my mistake is enough! ❤

3: While this may sound like a cliche story, it is far from it. My main girl is a firecracker and does not put up with any crap, she does not give in and she literally has the best attitude. There will be many twists and turns that will lead each character on their right path. That's all I will say about that, just give it a chance. ❤

4: This story will not have a sequel! I feel like some stories that have sequels just should have ended after the first book. I also feel like the second or third book isn't as good as the first book, same as movies! This is my own personal opinion, though I have read some books that have great sequels! I just personally will not write a sequel for this story. ❤

5: My chapters will not have any specific length. It could be long or short, whatever I feel is necessary for that chapter! I also have no set updating schedule, that varies as well. ❤

6: There will be questions at the bottom of each chapter that will ask a personal question about you. I will post the question along with my own answer! This is just so I can learn a little more about my readers! There will also be a song dedicated to each chapter along with a quote that I believe relates to the story! ❤

7: I will not put any author's notes in between chapters! I personally find it annoying whenever a story gets updated, but it's only an author's note. Anything I need to say, will be posted on my profile wall or in the beginning of the chapter. No offense to those who do that, but I will not do that. ❤

8: This is my first book on Wattpad. It will not be perfect by any means, I am mainly writing for fun. I do accept criticism, but I will not accept any rude comments! Once again, I am not perfect and will make mistakes or write something you won't like and that's okay. It's all about growing as a writer and as a reader. ❤

Thanks a bunch!


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