Chapter 4: Hurt

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Song is New Divide by Linkin Park


"And your voice was all I heard...that I get what I deserve."


Dear Confusion,

To this day, I still don't know what happened with my dad on that fateful day.

What caused him to get so angry that he hit his beloved daughter?

What got him so angry that his abuse lasted for so many years?

What did I do wrong?

So many questions with no answers. 

I lived a life full of fear, terror and confusion.

You were perhaps the most frustrating emotion I had ever encountered.

Searching for answers for years and coming up empty.

Long nights of staring up at the ceiling wondering what I did to deserve this kind of life.

Screw you.




(Past, that same day, age 8)

"Why is daddy mad at me?" the little girl asked.

The girl sat on the bathroom counter while her mother held an ice pack to her cheek.

Sandra bit her lip as she thought about what to say to her daughter.

"Your daddy isn't mad at you sweetheart," her mother said softly.

"Then why did he hit me mama?" the girl looked at her mama tearfully.

The little girl's mind couldn't handle the confusion.

She was so lost on why her daddy is behaving the way he is.

She was hurting and just wanted comfort and love from her parents.

Sandra paused and gazed at her beautiful little girl. 

He couldn't know, could he?

Looking away she said, "I don't know honey. Maybe something happened at work today."

Her daughter pouted while Sandra was deep in thought.

She shook herself out of her thoughts and grabbed her daughter's hand. 

"I promise you that your dad loves you. He might have just had a tough day at work. But I promise that he will never lay a hand on you again sweetheart, your parents love you." Her mother squeezed her hand lovingly as she pulls her into a hug.

The girl hugs her mother back, feeling comforted by the warmth of her hug.

"Sandra!" Charlie shouted while banging on the door.

The girl jumped back and starting crying, trying to hide behind her mother.

Why is daddy being so scary? 

"I'll be right back honey." Her mother said while opening the door.


Her mother falls to the floor, cupping her cheek.

"Mama!" the girl jumped down from the counter and ran towards her.

Her dad doesn't say a word as he angrily stomps towards his daughter. 

He grabs her arm, tight enough to leave bruises as he drags her behind him.

"Daddy please stop!" the girl begs as she sobs.

Her dad throws her to the ground, causing her head to bang on the floor.

Feeling a little dizzy, she shakily lifts her head up to look for her mother.

Her mother still sat on the floor in the bathroom.

She refused to look at her daughter. Sandra just stared blankly at the wall.

As the girl's vision started to get blurry, the last thing she saw was her mother's face turned away from hers.

The girl's tears and blood soaked her face as she passed out. 

Meanwhile, there was only one thought replaying in Sandra's mind like a broken record..

He knew.


Who is your favorite musical artist? I have so many favorites.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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