~Age 12~

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When your the age of 12
You think of having friends
Having birthday parties
Having sleep overs
Gossips about everything
Talking about boys or girls
Just having fun

Not for me

At the age of 12
I tried to kill myself

Reason why?

My whole life
I have been compared to my brother
Hated by my family
Hated in school
Bullied all the time
Laughed at
Name calling
Sexual assaulted multiple times
Never believing my side of the story

So I kept quiet

I shut my mouth like everyone wanted me to
Never told anyone about my problems
Who would believe a 12 year old after all

I always thought it was my fault

That everyone hated
Everyone bullied me
And did all the horrible things towards me

My whole life was horribly
I hated my life
And I hated myself even more

I just wanted to end it all
Didn't know why I didn't
Probably hoping my life would get better

Which it didn't

I hated school
I hated my family
I hated myself
I hated everything

Yet I never gave up
I didn't kill myself yet
Because I want to have a better life one day

I hope I will have a better life



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