~My broken heart~

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You always said you
Loved me
You cared for me
You would be there for me

I always believed you
All of you

The first person to say it
The second person
The third
The fourth
The fifth
But the worst was the
Was the sixth
And the seventh

Making me believe I would never be loved
That I was unlovable
That everything was my fault

I always asked myself if I did something wrong
If it was really my fault
That I was actually to blame
That everything was my fault

I started to believe that I was to blame for everything
I hated that I did something that caused every problem

No one every told be about the red flags
I needed to learn that all by myself
Because of that
I cried
I hated myself
I blamed myself
I believed I was the bad person
I believed I was at fault
I was to blame for everything

I don't why I was to blame
I never did anything
I don't think I did
Was I really the problem
I'm sorry if I was
I didn't mean any of it
Please forgive me
I'll be better
I will make everything better for us



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