Shu Yamino

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Not all too bothered by it, he makes a few borderline suggestive jokes here and there once in a blue moon, and it's relatively jokes you understand too and you both get a kick out of it.

However, is the victim to explaining whatever dirty joke other people do if you happen to do a collab together, better for the lover to teach you something than anyone else after all!

Laughs about it nervously when you ask what it means, and if you don't drop it he'll just smile and go: "I'll tell you later," and he's a man of his words, when he tells you and he sees you blink a couple of times as the information processes before your face slowly goes red he chuckles, patting you on the head.

Is also the victim when you however use a certain innuendo or sexual joke without knowing what it truly means. He will make a surprised sound when you throw it out, stammer a bit and ask if you know what it means. And when you reply no, but you've heard the others say it a lot he just sighs: "Babe, that has a more sexual meaning than you think-" "... Oh."

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