Ike Eveland

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Doesn't mind it either, Ike is someone who doesn't actively participate nor like saying sexual innuendos or jokes often too. His form of interacting with sexual media is through his personal interests that he doesn't see the need to share with others unless asked personally after all.

Groans super loudly whenever a dirty joke is passed around in a bit of bigger collabs, his usual reaction. But with you present he does take care of you a bit more, asking if you would like him to explain what it meant.

No he's not embarassed about having to explain, but he will try to explain the context of it without being too explicit. Most of the time it just leads to another liver telling you what it means straight up and Ike just groans before nodding: "Yeah, that's basically what it means."

Does ask after the collab if you weren't too uncomfortable though, he knows you're aware it's all in jest and often times he sees that you laugh even when you don't understand, but there's no harm in asking if you're okay about these topics.

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