Luca Kaneshiro

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He is as clueless as you. His repetoire of sexual jokes is literally all the deez nuts or sugma jokes he haunts everyone with. As his lover you're no exception, if anything you get to hear that 10x more than any other liver.

As such, when you're clueless about a joke, he is of no help because chances are he is as confused as you and need someone to explain it to him as well. It leads to some cute moments of obliviousness from the two of you though, because you both will react the same way. Laugh and then ask what that joke actually meant.

However, I do think Luca picks up the fact a joke is sexual quicker than you, so he will try change topics, or try to turn what could become a sexual joke into another one of his iconic: deez nuts joke. Mafia man might not know the sexual side of the world, but he will still shield you!

When you use a sexual joke that he understand, he malfunctions a tiny bit. Just goes: "Oh... Hahaha, p-pog," because what else is he going to say? He's beet red from hearing those words slip from your mouth.

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