The Doctors Girl (8)

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Chloe woke to the sound of her door knocking. She saw Mia asleep in bed next to her. She sighed and grabbed her dressing gown.

She opened the door and saw Cal there. She sighed. "What's going on?" She asked as she looked to him.

Cal smiled. "I told Becky. She either has to stop what she's doing. Or it's over between us. For good. She didn't like it. But she's going to leave you."

Chloe nodded. "Good. As I was serious. I'm not going to have your girlfriend threaten me or my daughter. We haven't done anything wrong," she told him.

"I know. I understand that. I really do. I just don't want us to fall apart. I want us to get on for Mia's sake. She's our baby girl."

Chloe sighed. "I want that too. But it can't happen if she's in the way. I'm sorry," she told him.

Chloe went into the ED. She smiled as she saw Leigh. "Hey. How's it going? You're not meant to be here yet," she said as she took her nephew.

Leigh nodded. "Yeah. I got bored. Like full on bored," she told her as she looked to her.

Chloe grinned and nodded. "He looks so much like his daddy. Has Poppy took to him yet?" She asked.

Leigh sighed and shook her head. "Not really. She keeps asking when her baby sister is coming."

"Give it chance. She was probably excited for a girl. Told all her friends she was having a sister. And then she has a brother."

"I hope so. I just... I don't know. Anyway, how's it going with you?" Leigh asked as she looked to her.

Chloe nodded. "Cal says he's told that Becky. I just don't think she will leave it. I just don't trust her."

"I've tried telling her. But she's useless at listening. She just has to have everything her own way. And she's not used to being told to back off," Leigh said as she took her son back.

Chloe rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well I've had enough of it. She needs to grow up," she said.

Chloe had just finished on a patient. Cal walked towards her. He sighed. "Becky is here. She says she wants to talk to you," he said.

Chloe shook her head. "I don't want to talk to her. I don't want her near me," she said as she looked to him.

Cal sighed and nodded. He looked to her. "It will be okay. I'll tell her you're on the ward with a patient. She'll soon get lost."

"Make sure she does. Because I can't be bothered at all," Chloe said as she turned and walked off.

Cal stood there watching her. He knew he didn't want to be with Becky anymore. He wanted Chloe. But with all the drama with Becky going on, she wouldn't give him that chance.

Chloe stood outside getting a break. She looked to Becky. She rolled her eyes. "I have nothing to say to you."

"Hear me out. Look. Cal is mine. My kids love him. So take Mia and go. I will give you £500 to leave."

Chloe scoffed and shook her head. "£500 to leave? You're insane. You're actually insane. I'm not leaving. I have my family here. What do you have?"

"I have Cal. I have Leigh."

"Leigh is my sister. So don't even go there," Chloe told her. She turned and went to walk off.

Becky grabbed her. "Just leave! Please. You're ruining everything I've got."

Chloe scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Back off. You come near me again, I will get a restraining order," she said as she walked off.

Chloe was fuming as she walked through the corridors. Cal grabbed her. "What's happened?"

"Your deranged girlfriend. She offered me £500 to leave with Mia. She's insane Cal. And she needs to back off. Or I'm going to get a restraining order against her. I'm serious now. She really needs to get lost," Chloe told her.

Cal nodded and sighed. He pulled her into an hug and looked to her. "It's going to be okay. I promise," he said.

Chloe laid her head on his chest and sighed. Unaware that Becky had seen and she was going to make Chloe pay. And she didn't care anymore.

The doctor's girl *C.knight*Where stories live. Discover now