Just an introduction

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Hi! I'm Biggi, or Icebear, and some people even call me Boe! I'm here to tell you what I know as someone whose been in the community for around 5 years.

First off, you need to be very careful. The community is full of bad people amongst the good who will do horrible things to innocent people. There are people who are fully grown attempting to scare you with AWTOK to do horrible things to you. I was almost a victim to that, but I can tell you how to avoid those things.

1. AWTOK doesn't exist, human trafficking does and you're more likely to fall victim to that than hunters. I'm not saying people who want to hurt non-humans dont exist (or mythicals, whatever word you'd like to use.) but the big organization doesn't exist. It's just for scaring you.

2. Do not  meet up with anyone online no matter what they say unless you're an adult, but since i cannot tell everyone what not to do, i will teach you how to avoid getting hurt, and i will teach you how to meet up with people safely in later chapters.

I know a lot of you are afraid. When I was younger I had the fear of AWTOK engraved in my head, but i promise you there's no big corporations coming to get non-humans, and I know because I was born an raised non-human with a non-human family (I know to some of you it sounds like a dream but i have stories for days on why it isn't)

I'm getting sidetracked. In short, this book is going to be teaching you about how to stay safe, how to stay out of harms way. I know a lot of people aren't going to see this but even just teaching a handful is good enough for me, spread the word and teach what is right. I'll talk to you guys later.

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