Chapter 2; "The fun stuff"

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                             Now that we've gotten past the serious stuff, we can get on to the fun parts! Just things I've learned so far on my journey. The first thing you need to do is have a form of protection, this time protection means

A protection spell

Crystals that help with protection (Ex. Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, black obsidian, tigers eye, aquamarine etc.)

A Spell jar.

All of these will help you get into the nitty gritty of everything! The first thing I was taught to do is meditate and visualize. When you learn how to meditate you can use it as a method to "get inside your own mind" and reach a whole new level of understanding with yourself. A lot of it will be difficult BUT there will be a time where it eases up and your mind opens, it'll be a time when things will come to you and you'll be prepared to explore your mind.

The best way I was able to explore my mind is by getting comfortable then fully relaxing my whole body, I would detach from myself and i would "open my eyes", I have my own town in my mind and i have visions on where i need to go to find myself. I still haven't found it but when i do it'll allow me to shift.

When you find yourself i cant guarantee  what you'll see, or what you'll find to allow yourself to become one with yourself, but i can tell you that you'll get a gut feeling, maybe even visions. It all depends on you

Feel free to share your own methods and advice about your journey, and remember there's no such thing as a dumb question!  (and i would love suggestions on what to post about next

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